Kamis, 13 November 2008

Pengawetan makanan/minuman:kumpulan informasi

Judul :
Mengawetkan legen dalam botol
Penulis :
Nirawan Ign.
Sumber :
Jawa Pos, 8 Nov. 1992. Hal. VI (dalam : Bundel Kliping Aren. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1994. Hal 53-54)
Kode Panggil :
Abstrak :
Bahan baku minuman legen berasal dari nira. Minuman legen ini tidak dapat bertahan lama karena kontaminasi organisme. Cara pembuatan minuman legen dirumah-rumah yang disesuaikan dengan persyaratan minuman ringan menurut Standar Industri Indonesia diulas secara singkat. Untuk menambah keawetan nira dalam botol, sebelum dipasteurisasi dapat ditambahkan bahan pengawet Natrium benzoat 150 mg per liter nira. Dilengkapi dengan bagan produksi pembuatan nira dalam botol dan tabel komposisi dari nira kelapa dan aren

Judul Buku :
Dasar pengawetan : sanitasi & keracunan
Penulis : Winarno, F. G.; Sri Laksmi, Betty
Penerbit : Bogor: Fakultas Mekanisasi dan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1974.
Deskripsi Fisik : 125 hal.
Lokasi : umu
Kode Panggil : 664.028 Win d

Judul Buku :
Proses pengawetan dengan radiasi
Penerbit : Jakarta: Seksi Ilmiah Pusat Penelitian Pasar Djumat Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional, 1967.
Deskripsi Fisik : 1236 hal.
Lokasi : umu
Kode Panggil : 664.0288 Pro
Subjek : Radiation preservation of food

Judul Buku :
Prinsip pengawetan dan pengolahan pangan
Penulis : Rahayu, Winiati Puji
Penerbit : Jakarta: Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan Badan POM, 2003.
Deskripsi Fisik : 40 hal.
Lokasi : umu
Kode Panggil : 664.028 Pri

Judul : Studi teknologi pengawetan nira : laporan penelitian
Penulis : Jambe, Anak Agung Gde Ngurah Anom
Penerbit : Denpasar: Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana, 1986.
Deskripsi Fisik : 38 hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 88/0709

Judul :
Pengawetan nira dengan radiasi sinar gamma dari Cobalt-60 : laporan penggunaan radiasi dalam perkebunan gula
Penulis : Nurcahyo
Penerbit : Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Atom Gama, 1968.
Deskripsi Fisik : 19 hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 90/0558

Judul :
Mempelajari pengawetan minuman beras kencur dengan perlakuan fisis dan kemis
Penulis : Susanto, Wahono Hadi
Penerbit : Malang: Universitas Brawijaya, 1985.
Deskripsi Fisik : 31 hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 87/1023

Judul :
Pengaruh pengawetan terhadap penentuan kadar fosfat nira
Penulis : Martoyo; Santoso, B.E.
Penerbit : Pasuruan: BP3G, 1986.
Deskripsi Fisik : 20 hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 89/0055

Judul Karya :
Pengamatan pengaruh beberapa cara pengawetan dan lama penyimpanan sari buah jambu biji (Psidium guajava) terhadap perubahan kualitas sari buah
Penulis : Triyono, Agus; Tri Radiyati
Sumber : Prosiding ; Seminar Ilmiah Hasil-hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Puslitbang Fisika Tarapan-LIPI 1993/1994 ; 1994 Juli 19-20
Deskripsi Fisik : hal. 411-422
File FullText : 1973.pdf

Judul :
Mengawetkan jamur dalam botol.
Sumber : Trubus, (Jul.) 1984: 26 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping jamur. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 92-95)
Kode Panggil : Jam
Abstrak : Dijelaskan secara rinci pengawetan jamur dalam botol, yang memerlukan modal lebih murah dibandingkan dengan cara pengalengan, tetapi hasilnya sama saja. Diuraikan cara penyiapan alat, pencucian dan perebusan botol dan tutup, penyiapan jamur, pengukusan, dan terakhir penutupan botol. Disertakan pula gambar alat pengepres tutup botol dan alat pengukur.

Judul :
Teknologi pengemasan bahan pangan [Pengawetan pangan]
Sumber : Teknologi pengawetan pangan, Suharto, Hal. 128-131
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1991
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Z1-16
Abstrak : Diuraikan upaya mempertahankan mutu hasil pengawetan seperti aroma, rasa, gizi, maupun vitamin hingga ditangan pembeli. Untuk menjaga itu semua hal yang harus dilakukan adalah memperhatikan dasar teknologi pengemasan, bahan kemasan, dan teknik pengemasan.

Judul :
Teknologi pengawetan dengan modifies atmosphere system
Sumber : Seminar Penetrasi Pasar Produk Hortikultura Indonesia, Jakarta, 13-14 Des1989 ; 4 hal., lamp
Penulis : Djalil, Abdul
Kode Panggil : 338.175 Sem p

Judul :
Peranan bakteriosin sebagai antimikroba alami dalam pengawetan makanan.
Sumber : Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian : 2 (1) 1998: 39-45 ;
Penulis : Rizal, Samsu
Abstrak : Bacteriocins were well known as natural antimicrobials from microorganisms.
Bacteriocins have been reported to be produced by strains of lactic acid bacteria such as Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Leuconostoc, Carnobacterium, and Streptococcus. The compounds produced by lactic acid can be defined as biologically active proteins or protein complexs displaying a bactericidal mode of action exlusively towards gram-positive bacteria and particuary towards closely related species. It has been shown that bacteriocins displayed antagonistic acitivity towards potential spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms in foods including psychotrophic lactobacilli and leoconostoc. Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum, C. perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas, etc. Therefore, bacteriocins have very important role as biopreservatives in foods. The application of bacteriocins as biological preservatives in both fermented or non-fermented foods will become much more important in future food preservation. (Pengarang)

Judul :
Penggunaan Na-metabisulfit untuk mengawetkan santan kelapa.
Sumber : J Teknol Pertan UNSRAT : 3 (1) 2000: 18-22 ;
Penulis : Djarkasi, G.S.S.
Abstrak : Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan natrium metabisulfit pada santan kelapa. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pemberian natrium metabisulfit 600 ppm, 300 ppm, dan tanpa natrium metabisulfit; kemudian disimpan selama 6 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa natrium metabisulfit dapat mengawetkan santan kelapa sampai 6 minggu. Santan kelapa yang diberi natrium metabisulfit 600 ppm dengan lama penyimpanan 6 minggu menghasilkan total asam lemak bebas 0,06 persen; bilangan peroksida 0,98 meq/kg; kadar air 42,6 persen, dan nilai pH 6,00.

Judul :
Peranan irradiasi dalam pengawetan dan perbaikan mutu bahan pangan.
Sumber : Majalah Masa: bina kampus bina umat ; 13 (4) 2006: 46-49
Penulis : Muchsiri, Mukhtarudin
Lokasi : maj
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian irradiasi dalam pangan sudah digunakan secara luas, tidak terbatas pada pengawetan pangan. Selain itu, dipelajari pula aplikasi irradiasi untuk pasteurasi jus, mereduksi N-nitrosoamin dan residu nitrit karsinogenik dalam saus produksi senyawa flavor dari protein homopolimer, serta perbaikan sifat-sifat daging. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan aplikasi irradiasi pangan. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi irradiasi pangan sudah berkembang sangat luas. Irradiasi pada saus dengan 3, 5, dan 4 kGy menurunkan 7 log kandungan mikroba serta mempertahankan pH, warna, dan tingkat keasamannya. Selain itu, irradiasi asam amino homopolimer dapat menghasilkan senyawa-senyawa volatile yang beraroma daging segar. (ras)

Pengawetan dan bahan kimia
So: Internet, 7 hal./PDF

Tehnik dan Teknologi Pengawetan pada Makanan - Pendinginan, Pengasapan, Pengalengan, Pengeringan, Pemanisan dan Pengasinan
Sumber: Internet, 2 hal



Sumber : Internet, 8 hal/PDF

BEBERAPA JENIS POHON SEBAGAI SUMBER PENGHASIL BAHAN PENGAWET NIRA AREN (Arenga pinnata Merr). Santiyo Wibowo. Info Hasil Hutan Volume 12 No 1 April 2006. Hal. 67-74.

Penggunaan bahan pengawet pada nira aren sangat diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya kerusakan seperti terbentuknya asam, buih putih dan lendir. Nira yang telah rusak kurang baik jika digunakan untuk membuat produk turunannya. Beberapa jenis pohon sebagai sumber penghasil bahan pengawet nabati yang biasa digunakan untuk mengawetkan nira antara lain tuba (Derris eliptica Benth), kawao (Millettia secicea W & A), sesoot (Garcinia picrorrhiza Miq.), funi (G. syzygiifolia Pierre), kayu nangka (Artocarpus integra Merr.), kulit buah manggis (G. mangostona Linn.) kulit kayu nyirih (Xilocarpus granatum Koen, X. moluccensis M Roem) dan cengal (Hopea sangal Korth.).
Kata kunci: Bahan pengawet, nira aren, produk turunan, jenis pohon.

Penggunaan bahan tambahan pada nira dan mutu gula aren yang dihasilkan....
Sumber : Internet, 8 hal/PDF

Judul : Penelitian dan pengemasan sari buah markisa dalam botol plastik
Penulis : Fatmah, Wardah
Penerbit : Ujung Pandang: Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri (Ujung Pandang), 1985.
Deskripsi Fisik : 23 hal.
Kode Panggil : 85/0903

Dokumen lengkap, hubungi:

Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah (PDII)-LIPI
Gedung TMC 120, lt. 1 Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong
Tangerang, 15310
Telp. 021-7560537


Judul : Pengaruh pengawet natrium meta bisulfit terhadap kualitas nira aren.
Judul terjemahan : Effect of sodium meta bisulphite preservative for nira aren quality
Sumber : Buletin Litbang Industri: Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri : 16 (1) 1998/1999: 7-12 ;
Penulis : Panjaitan, Dapot
Abstrak : Percobaan pengawetan nira aren dilakukan dengan bahan pengawet natrium meta bisulphite konsentrasi 100 mg/l; 200 mg/l; 300 mg/l; 400 mg/l; dan 500 mg/l. Terhadap nira aren yang diawetkan dilakukan pengamatan/penetapan kadar gula dan keasaman selang waktu sehari selama 6 hari. Kondisi optimal hasil percobaan yang diperoleh adalah nira aren awet selama 1 hari penyimpanan dengan konsentrasi natrium meta bisulphite 100 mg/l - 300 mg/l, dan dianjurkan menggunakan konsentrasi 100 mg/l. (Pengarang)


Judul : Pengaruh pengawet kapur terhadap kualitas nira aren.
Judul terjemahan : Effect of calsium oxide preservative on nira aren quality
Sumber : Buletin Litbang Industri: Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri : 15 (2) 1997/1998: 5-9 ;
Penulis : Panjaitan, Dapot
Abstrak : Percobaan pengawetan nira aren dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengawet kapur konsentrasi 800, 900, 1000, 1100, dan 1200 mg/l. Terhadap nira aren yang diawetkan dilakukan penetapan kadar gula dan pH atau keasaman pada selang waktu sehari selama 6 hari. Ternyata nira aren dapat diawetkan selama sehari dengan pengawet kapur 800 mg/l, sedangkan menurut literatur hanya awet selama 18 jam. (Pengarang)

Rabu, 05 November 2008

MATTE ELECTROREFINING: kumpulan informasi

A Bright Future for copper electrowinning

Michael Moats and Michael Free

JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Volume 59, Number 10 / October, 2007

Abstract :

Over the past 40 years, the copper mining industry has undergone a dramatic shift toward hydrometallurgical extraction of copper at the mine site. This has increased the importance of recovering high-purity copper by electrowinning. High-purity cathode production was achieved by implementing numerous technologies including superior lead-alloy anodes, improved cathode handling and/or stainless steel blanks, better electrolyte control, and advanced tankhouse automation. In the future, it is projected that tankhouses will produce high-quality copper at lower costs using technologies that could include dimensionally stable anodes, alternative anode reactions, innovative cell designs, novel electrolyte circulation systems, and more. This paper reviews existing commercial copper electrowinning technologies and discusses advances that need to be made to implement future technologies.


Warren spring laboratory report electrodissolution in hydrometallurgy
Hydrometallurgy, Volume 2, Issue 2, December 1976, Page 193
D.S. Flett, R.G. Bautista


Electrodissolution processes in hydrometallurgy have been reviewed in this report. While a considerable amount of basic definitive studies and laboratory scale development work has been carried out, particularly on metal and mineral sulphide slurries, commercial application of electro-dissolution has been restricted to electrorefining of metals and to cast matte anode electrolysis of nickel. It is concluded that considerable scope exists for the development of electrodissolution processes for slurries of mineral sulphides provided that satisfactory potential control can be achieved in the slurry. Electrooxidation processes producing the oxidant in a water soluble form may be the simplest way of obtaining potential control in these systems.
This work was supported by the Chemicals and Minerals Requirements Board (Department of Industry).

Nickel and Cobalt Refining at Niihama Nickel Refinery
Kurokawa, Harumsa; Takaishi, Kazuyuki
Journal of MMIJ. Vol. 123, no. 12, pp. 678-681. 2007

Abstract :
Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (SMM) is the only one producer of electrolytic nickel and cobalt in Japan. The nickel and cobalt business of SMM, started in 1939, is the history of technological innovation and development. As the major projects developed in the past, SMM underwent a conversion to nickel matte electrorefining process in 1970, a establishment of cobalt refining process with an introduction of Mixed Sulfide raw material in 1975, a conversion to Matte Chlorine Leach Electro-winning process (MCLE) in 1992, and innovations of Cobalt Electro-winning and Nickel Chemical process technology in 1999. Throughout these technological developments, in 1998, SMM has accomplished to increase the production capacity of electrolytic nickel up to 3,000t/M. Furthermore, in 2004, SMM constructed a High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) plant in Parawan Island, Philippine, where all the SMM's refining technology was integrated. To treat the Nickel/Cobalt Mixed Sulfide (MS) produced at the HPAL plant, SMM has improved the MCLE process at Niihama Nickel Refinery. Today, applying MCLE and HPAL technology, SMM treats the oxide Laterite Ore and constantly produces electrolytic nickel with very high quality.

The Direct Electrorefining of Copper Matte
McKay, D J
JOM (USA). Vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 44-48. Mar. 1993

Abstract :
Direct electrorefining of copper matte would be a desirable alternative to Cu converting and its associated troublesome sulfur dioxide emissions. After > 100 years of study, however, no commercial process has been developed, even though an analogous process for the direct electrorefining of nickel matte anodes has been operating successfully for several decades. The unique difficulties associated with Cu matte electrorefining are related to the properties of the matte's decomposition products.

Recent Operation and Improvements of Nickel Matte Electrorefining at SMM Nickel Refinery
Ishikawa, Y; Matsuno, M; Fukui, I; Ihara, Y
Rare Metals '90; Kokura, Kitakyushu; Japan; 14-16 Nov. 1990. pp. 141-144. 1991

SMM (Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.) began to produce electrolytic Ni by the matte electrorefining process at Niihama Nickel Refinery in 1970. Since then, many technical and engineering developments have been carried out. As a result, the production capacity and the productivity of the process have been increased and the quality of the product has been improved. Some of the recent developments are described. These involve the rationalization in the slime treatment process and the mechanization of the shearing and packaging section. Owing to these developments, the process economy and the productivity have been considerably improved. Graphs. 3 ref.—AA

Effect of Slime Layer on the Anode Potential in Nickel Matte Electrorefining
Inami, T; Ishikawa, Y; Tsuchida, N; Hirao, M
Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt; Phoenix, Arizona; USA; 25-28 Jan. 1988. pp. 429-445. 1988

Abstract :
The potential of the Ni matte anode was measured during the matte electrolysis in the commercial cell. The slime layer consists of elemental sulfur and was found to greatly influence the potential of anode. The measurements of porosity and permeability of the slime suggest that the voltage drop of the slime layer dominates the potential. Furthermore, the diffusion of the electrolyte through the slime layer is also one of the factors to determine the potential. In addition, the Cu content of the Ni matte anode was found to affect the change in the anode potential during the electrolysis. The role of Cu on the anodic dissolution of Ni matte is discussed. 8 ref.—AA

Dokumen lengkap, hubungi :

Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah ( PDII)-LIPI
Gedung TMC 120, Lantai 1, Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong,
Tangerang, Banten. 15310
Telp. 021-7560537
E-mail: pdiiserpong@yahoo.com

ALUMINIZING PACK: kumpulan informasi

A study on the microstructure and cyclic oxidation behavior of the pack aluminized Hastelloy X at 1100 °C

Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 201, Issue 7, 20 December 2006, Pages 3867-3871
Jyh-Wei Lee, Yu-Chu Kuo

Abstract : A pack aluminizing process at 950 °C for 9 h has been employed on the nickel-base superalloy Hastelloy X to deposit a 75 μm thick β-NiAl aluminide layer on the surface. A nanoscale dendritic structure is observed on the surface of the aluminide coating. A finger-like interdiffusion zone is found between the aluminide layer and the substrate. Fine precipitates with complex phases are distributed in the NiAl layer. The cyclic oxidation tests of aluminized alloys and untreated substrates were conducted at 1100 °C for 196 h. It was observed that the aluminizing process greatly enhances the cyclic oxidation resistance of Hastelloy X at 1100 °C due to a dense and protective alumina layer formed on the surface. Complex phase transformation reactions occurred in the aluminide layer. Owing to the oxidation and interdiffusion reactions at high temperature, the Al content of the NiAl layer was depleted to form some low Al containing γ-substrate grains on the surface and a continuous γ layer between the aluminide layer and substrate. Thermal stress induced, transverse cracks in the interdiffusion zone, were observed possibly due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficients among the substrate, aluminide layer and interdiffusion zone.SD

Formation of aluminide coatings on low alloy steels at 650DGC by pack cementation process
Xiang, Z D; Datta, P K
Materials Science and Technology. Vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 1297-1302. Oct. 2004

Abstract: The pack aluminising process is normally conducted on alloy steels at temperatures higher than 900DGC at which mechanical properties of steels would degrade. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of pack aluminising a commercial 9Cr-1Mo alloy steel at 650DGC in an attempt to increase its high temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance without adversely affecting its mechanical properties and consequently to increase its long-term structural operating temperatures to up to 700DGC. It was demonstrated that this could be achieved using packs containing AlCl3 as an activator and elemental Al as a depositing source. The coatings formed under these conditions consisted of an outer Fe14A186 layer and an inner FeAl3 layer with an abrupt interface between the coating and substrate, suggesting that the coating is formed via a mechanism of the inward Al reaction -diffusion. The pack Al content was varied from 1 to 6 wt-% to investigate its effects on the coating formation process. It was found that the pack Al content in this range affected only the coating thickness and therefore the growth rate of the coating, but not the surface Al concentration. A post-aluminising heat treatment study was also undertaken for an aluminised specimen at 650DGC under an argon atmosphere to investigate the kinetics of converting the brittle Fe14Al86 and FeAl3 phase layers to a more ductile FeAl phase layer. It was observed that this was a slow process requiring 1132 h for an initial coating layer thickness of 33 mm. The coating after the conversion consisted of a uniform top FeAl layer with all other alloying elements in the solid solution and a diffusion zone underneath. (Application: steam power plants).CSA

Pack aluminisation of low alloy steels at temperatures below 700 deg C
Xiang, Z D; Datta, P K
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 184, no. 1, pp. 108-115. 1 June 2004

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the feasibility of aluminising low alloy steels at temperatures below 700 deg C by pack cementation process to increase their high temperature durability in oxidative and corrosive environments without adversely affecting their mechanical strength and creep resistance at elevated temperatures. Packs activated by AlCl3, AlF3, NaCl and NaF were used to carry out coating deposition experiments at 650 deg C in an attempt to identify the most suitable activator for the intended pack aluminising process. Once this was achieved, a series of further experiments were undertaken to investigate the effects of pack composition, deposition temperature and time on the kinetics of coating growth process. The pack Al content was varied from 1 to 6 wt.%, deposition temperature from 600 to 750 deg C and deposition time from 1 to 16 h. Within the ranges of these parameters, it was observed that these parameters only affected the coating thickness, but not the surface Al concentration and with the packs activated by AlCl3, the coatings formed via an inward reactive Al diffusion mechanism, which led to the formation of a surface Fe14Al86 layer and an inner FeAl3 layer. Thermochemical calculations were also undertaken to analyse the equilibrium vapour pressures of depositing halide species (AlF or AlCl) generated at deposition temperatures in packs activated by different halide salts. The results obtained were discussed in relation to the observed deposition tendencies of these packs and their influence on the kinetics of coating growth.CSA

Surface orientation dependent oxidation behavior of aluminized DS CM 247 LC nickel-base superalloy
Yuan, E H; Yoo, Y S; Jo, C Y; Choi, B G; Hu, Z Q
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 183, no. 1, pp. 106-110. 1 May 2004

Abstract: A study has been carried out into the oxidation behavior of a directionally solidified superalloy. Three types of specimens were cut transversely (T), longitudinally (L) and at 45 deg angle (45 deg ) in relation to the solidifying direction of the DS CM 247 LC rods. These specimens were aluminized by the pack cementation method and then were oxidized at 1000 deg C for 200 h. The coating grows epitaxially on (001) surfaces of the directionally solidified superalloy. Epitaxy of the coating on the L specimens is also evident. All the coatings on the above specimens consist of a precipitation-rich layer, a precipitation-free layer and an interdiffusion layer. Lamellar alpha-Cr precipitates directly in the substrate underneath the interdiffusion layer during the aluminization process, and in the subsequent interdiffusion process during the oxidation tests. The formation of the *c-Al2O3 leads to a fast oxidation rate for the T, L and 45 deg specimens in the transient stage. The 45 deg specimens oxidized at the fastest rate, while the T specimens gave the smallest weight gain. After 20 h, further weight gains of all these specimens are very small, due to more stable *a-Al2O3 growth and transformation from *c-Al2O3 to *a-Al2O3. The slower oxidation rate in the case of the T specimens might be a result of epitaxial growth of *c-Al2O3 on the *b-NiAl coating.CSA

A new two-step process of pack aluminizing.
Huang, Z-R; Xu, H; Li, P-N
Heat Treatment of Metals (China). Vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 39-41. Apr. 2004

Abstract: The structure and property of HK40 steel aluminized layer after a new two-step pack aluminizing was studied by use of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and microhardness tester. The results showed that the phases of the aluminizing layer consist of NiAl and Ni3Al, and the process has advantages over the traditional methods, such as high infiltration rate, flatter microhardness profile and finer surface quality. The causes of the new process's accelerating the pack cementation process were also discussed.CSA

A study of aluminide coatings on TiAl alloys by the pack cementation method
Zhou, C; Xu, H; Gong, S; Kim, K Y
Materials Science and Engineering A (Switzerland). Vol. 341, no. 1-2, pp. 169-173. 20 Jan. 2003

Abstract: The lower case halide-activated pack cementation method was utilized to deposit aluminide coatings on TiAl alloys. Emphasis was placed on the effect of alloying elements on the aluminizing behavior of TiAl alloy. The addition of a small amount of Nb or Cr in the TiAl improved significantly the aluminizing kinetics of TiAl alloys by increasing the solid-state diffusion of Al through the formation of stable TiAl sub 3 layer. The TiAl sub 3 layer formed on the TiAl alloyed with Nb or Cr had better toughness than the TiAl sub 3 formed on the non-alloyed TiAl. The reason for better toughness of the coating formed on TiAl was that partial TiAl sub 3 with tetragonal structure was changed to high symmetry cubic L1 sub 2 structure since Nb or Cr was dissolved into TiAl sub 3 . The TiAl sub 3 layer formed on the TiAl alloyed with Nb or Cr had much better oxidation resistance than the TiAl sub 3 layer formed on the non-alloyed TiAl. It was attributed to change in the crystal structure of TiAl sub 3 from the brittle tetragonal DO sub 22 to the ductile cubic L1 sub 2 by addition of small amount of Nb or Cr.CSA

Microstructure of first-stage aluminized coating on a Ni-Cr alloy
Huang, H.L.; Chen, Y.Z.; Gan, D.
Materials Science and Engineering A (Switzerland). Vol. 328, no. 1-2, pp. 238-244. May 2002

Abstract: First-stage aluminized coating on pure Ni-Cr alloy are prepared by pack cementation aluminizing method at 750 deg C. The microstructures were analyzed with scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy and electron probe micro-analyzer. The coating consists of several layers which, in sequence from substrate to coating surface, are substrate gamma , polygonized gamma , gamma '-Ni sub 3 Al, beta -NiAl + alpha -Cr, delta -Ni sub 2 Al sub 3 , and delta -Ni sub 2 Al sub 3 + Cr sub 5 Al sub 8 layers. A high compositional gradient is present across these interfaces together with a high density of dislocations. No crystallographic relationship was found at the gamma / gamma ', gamma '/ beta and beta / delta interfaces. The gamma ' and beta + alpha layers consist of very fine grains with some scattered amorphous regions.CSA

Pack cementation coatings on Ti sub 3 Al-Nb allys to modify the high-temperature oxidation properties
Koo, C H; Yu, T H
Surface and Coatings Technology (Switzerland). Vol. 126, no. 2-3, pp. 171-180. 24 Apr. 2000

Abstract: Ti sub 3 Al-based alloys have excellent high-temperature strength, but their poor oxidation resistance restricts the applications of these alloys at high temperature. In this study the microstructure, oxidation resistance, and mechanical properties of pack cementation Al, Si, and Cr coatings on Ti sub 3 Al-based alloys, i.e. Ti-25Al-10Nb and Ti-25Al-13Nb, were investigated and discussed. The morphology of aluminized coating is a single layer of the TiAl sub 3 phase. The siliconized coating shows a multilayer structure with the composition of TiSi sub 2 , TiSi, TiAl sub 2 and TiAl from the outer surface to the substrate. The chromized coating is a Cr-rich beta phase. The high-temperature oxidation resistance of Al and Si coatings is quite superior, and their temperature limit of oxidation resistance is up to 1100 deg C. In contrast to Al and Si coatings, the oxidation resistance of the chromized coating is poor, since it is unable to improve the oxidation resistance of the Ti-25Al-10Nb alloy. The high-temperature tensile test of Ti-25Al-13Nb with Al or Si coatings shows that the hard coating layer may reduce the ductility of the base alloy. The alloy with the Al or Si coating is suitable for applications which operate at high temperatures but low stress levels.CSA

Pack cementation coatings on Ti sub 3 Al-Nb allys to modify the high-temperature oxidation properties
Koo, C H; Yu, T H
Surface and Coatings Technology (Switzerland). Vol. 126, no. 2-3, pp. 171-180. 24 Apr. 2000

Abstract: Ti sub 3 Al-based alloys have excellent high-temperature strength, but their poor oxidation resistance restricts the applications of these alloys at high temperature. In this study the microstructure, oxidation resistance, and mechanical properties of pack cementation Al, Si, and Cr coatings on Ti sub 3 Al-based alloys, i.e. Ti-25Al-10Nb and Ti-25Al-13Nb, were investigated and discussed. The morphology of aluminized coating is a single layer of the TiAl sub 3 phase. The siliconized coating shows a multilayer structure with the composition of TiSi sub 2 , TiSi, TiAl sub 2 and TiAl from the outer surface to the substrate. The chromized coating is a Cr-rich beta phase. The high-temperature oxidation resistance of Al and Si coatings is quite superior, and their temperature limit of oxidation resistance is up to 1100 deg C. In contrast to Al and Si coatings, the oxidation resistance of the chromized coating is poor, since it is unable to improve the oxidation resistance of the Ti-25Al-10Nb alloy. The high-temperature tensile test of Ti-25Al-13Nb with Al or Si coatings shows that the hard coating layer may reduce the ductility of the base alloy. The alloy with the Al or Si coating is suitable for applications which operate at high temperatures but low stress levels.CSA

Effect of aluminising on high temperature oxidation resistance of TiAl compounds
Kim, S; Paik, D; Kim, I; Kim, H; Park, K
Materials Science and Technology (UK). Vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 822-825. Aug. 1998

Abstract: Intermetallic compounds of TiAl were aluminised by pack cementation in the temperature range 700-900 deg C with a powder mixture of aluminium, NH sub 4 Cl, and Al sub 2 O sub 3 under a flow of argon gas. The coating products and oxidised products formed on the TiAl substrate were investigated by optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. Single layers of TiAl sub 3 were formed on the substrate of all the aluminised specimens. Through thickness cracks and pores were often observed inside the coating layers. High quality coating layers (approx30 mu m) containing a very small amount of microcracks and pores were obtained by a treatment of 800 deg C for 3 h. The average surface hardness of the aluminised specimens (approx1010 HV (*25 mg)) was much higher than that of the TiAl (approx396 HV (25 mg)), thus improving the wear resistance. In particular, the aluminising significantly improved the high temperature oxidation resistance. After the high temperature oxidation tests, four sublayers, i.e. alpha -Al sub 2 O sub 3 , TiAl sub 2 , TiAl with a high Al content, and TiAl with a low Al content, from the surface, were formed on the substrate. These four sublayers contributed to a significant improvement in the high temperature oxidation resistance.CSA

Thermodynamics of pack aluminization
Medina, F; Wettinck, E; Moors, M
Deformacion Metalica (Spain). Vol. 24, no. 240, pp. 23-24, 26-27. May-June 1998

Abstract: The thermodynamics of the Pack Aluminization has been studied for several activators, temperatures and master alloy compositions. Nodular cast iron (matrix ferrite-pearlite) was the substrate selected to carry out this study. The better Al depositions were attained at 950 deg C for activators such as: AlF sub 3 , NH sub 4 Cl and NaCl which generate the higher partial pressures of the Al halides in equilibrium with the pack. It was proved that activators are ranked as: Fapprox =Cl > Br > l. The iron additions reduced the undesirable surface growth. The surface composition always reached a steady state after a short time of treatment.CSA

Pack aluminizing of copper
El-Azim, M E A; Soliman, H M
Journal of Materials Science & Technology (China) (USA). Vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 127-132. Mar. 1997

Abstract: Aluminizing of Cu by a pack cementation process was performed to improve its surface properties. The effect of variation of pack aluminizing temperature from 800 to 900 deg C and aluminizing time from 1 to 6h on the microstructure and the thickness of the aluminide coating of Cu was investigated. Pack aluminizing of Cu significantly improved the microhardness and the oxidation resistance. The microhardness was increased about seven times and the oxidation resistance, after 96h exposure in air at 900 deg C, was extremely increased ten times by aluminizing Cu at 900 deg C for 3h.CSA

Jha, S K; Khanna, A S
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 47, pp. 465-493. 1997

Abstract: The oxidation behavior of three Ti3-Al-Nb alloys: Ti-25Al-11Nb, Ti-24Al-20Nb, and Ti- 22Al-20Nb was investigated in the temperature range of 700-900 C in air. The uncoated alloy Ti-25Al-11Nb showed the lowest weight gain with nearly parabolic oxidation rate; while the other two alloys had much higher weight gain, accompanied by excessive oxide scale spalling. The scale analysis, using XRD, SEM/EDAX, and AES revealed that the scale was a mixture of TiO2, Al2O3, and Nb2O5 with the outer layer rich in TiO2. The effect of variation in Al and Nb content on the oxidation behavior is discussed. A decrease in Al content of the alloy adversely affects the oxidation resistance; and it seems that a Nb content as high as 20 at.% is also not beneficial. Hence these alloys, especially Ti-24Al- 20Nb and Ti-22Al-20Nb, should not be used in the as-received condition above 750 C. An attempt was made to improve the oxidation resistance of these alloys by pack aluminizing which led to the formation of an Al rich TiAl3 surface layer doped with Nb. The coating process was gaseous-diffusion controlled with a parabolic Al deposition rate. The weight gains for the aluminized alloy specimens oxidized at 900 C in air were much lower than that of the uncoated specimens. The weight gains were further decreased in the case of Si-modified aluminized specimens. The scale analysis revealed an alumina-rich scale with some amount of titania doped with Nb. The improvement in the oxidation resistance of the pack- aluminized alloys at 900 C is attributable to the formation of the alumina-rich oxide scale. The addition of Si to the aluminizing pack seems to promote further the growth of an alumina-rich scale by lowering the oxygen partial pressure in the system. 17 figs. (8 photomicrographs), 6 tabs., 27 refs.CSA

Simultaneous Chromizing--Aluminizing Coating of Low-Alloy Steels by a Halide-Activated, Pack-Cementation Process
Geib, F D; Rapp, R A
Oxid. Met. Vol. 40, no. 3-4, pp. 213-228. Oct. 1993

Abstract: The simultaneous chromizing--aluminizing of low-alloy Cr--Mo steels has achieved Kanthal-like surface compositions of 16-21 Cr and 5-8 wt.% Al by the use of cementation packs with a Cr--Al materalloy and an NH sub 4 Cl activator salt. An initial preferential deposition of Al into the alloy induces the phase transformation from austenite to ferrite at the 1150 deg C process temperature. The low solubility of carbon in ferrite results in the rejection of solute carbon into the austenitic core, thereby preventing the formation of an external chromium carbide layer, which would otherwise block aluminizing and chromizing. The deposition and rapid diffusion of Cr and Al into the external bcc ferrite layer follows. Parabolic, cyclic-oxidation kinetics for alumina growth on the coated steels in air were observed over a wide range of realtively low temperatures (637-923 deg C).CSA

Improvement of Cyclic High-Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Pack-Aluminized Heat-Resistant Stainless Steels
Kim, K Y; Jung, H G; Seong, B G; Hwang, S Y
Oxid. Met. Vol. 41, no. 1-2, pp. 11-35. Feb. 1994

Abstract: Modification of pack aluminizing for heat-resistant stainless steels was studied to improve corrosion resistance by controlling the microstructure of the coating layer. The major process parameters examined include the pack powder composition, coating time, and temperature. Depending on the combination of these parameters, the microstructure of the coating layer can be controlled to form either a continuous layer of internal-diffusion barrier (IDB) or an inter-diffusion zone (IZ). At the coating-process temperatures, the IDB forms as a mixture of sigma- and Beta-aluminide, whereas the IZ forms as a mixture of alpha-ferrite and Beta-aluminide. But the sigma phase shown in the IZ at room temperature is formed by transformation from the alpha phase during cooling. Even though the hardness of the IDB is higher than the other phases present in the coating layer, the aluminide coating layer with the IDB shows outstanding cyclic high-temperature corrosion resistance. As long as the stable IDB forms, the corrosion resistance increases with the thickness of the aluminide-coating layer.CSA

Pack aluminization of nickel anode for molten carbonate fuel cells
Chun, H S; Park, G P; Lim, J H; Kim, K; Lee, J K; Moon, K H; Youn, J H
Elsevier Science SA, Journal of Power Sources (Switzerland). Vol. 49, no. 1-3, pp. 245-255. Apr. 1994

Abstract: The aluminum pack cementation (pack aluminization) process on a porous nickel anode for molten carbonate fuel cells has been studied to improve anode creep resistance. The porous Ni substrates used in this study were fabricated by doctor blade equipment followed by sintering (850 deg C). Packs surrounding the Ni anode were made by mixing Al sub 2 O sub 3 powder, Al powder, and NaCl as activator. The pack aluminization was performed at 700 to 850 deg C for 0.5-5.0 h. After pack aluminization, the principal Ni-Al intermetallic compounds detected were Ni sub 3 Al at 700 deg C, NiAl at 750 deg C and Ni sub 3 Al sub 2 at 800 deg C. The aluminum content in the aluminized Ni anode was proportional to the square root of pack aluminizing time. With increasing the Al content in the anode, the creep of the anode decreased. It was nearly constant (2.0%) when the Al content was above 5.0%. Although the exchange current density (24 mA/cm exp 2 ) for the aluminized (2.5 wt.%) Ni anode was somewhat lower than that of the pure Ni anode (40 mA/cm exp 2 ), the performance of a single cell using an aluminized Ni anode was similar to that of the one with pure Ni anode.CSA

High-Temperature Coating for Titanium Aluminides Using the Pack-Cementation Technique
Kung, S-C
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 34, no. 3-4, pp. 217-228. Oct. 1990

Abstract: The practical application of titanium aluminide metal-matrix composites (MMCs) at high temperatures requires suitable surface coatings to provide the needed oxidation resistance. Without a coating, the titanium aluminide alloys suffered from rapid oxidation attack at elevated temperatures, particularly under thermal cyclic conditions. The pack-cementation coating process was utilized to aluminize the surface region of a Ti sub 3 Al-base alloy to TiAl sub 3 , the most oxidation-resistant phase. With the existence of an adherent conversion coating, a thin protective alumina scale formed on the outer surface, and a significant improvement in the corrosion resistance was observed. Excellent coating efficiency and geometric flexibility were demonstrated by the pack-cementation technique. Further development of the cementation process will focus on the elimination of surface cracking in the coating. Graphs, Photomicrographs. 8 ref.—AA.CSA

Protection of Low Alloy Steel Against Thermal Oxidation or Sulphidation by Superficial Pack or Laser Aluminisation
Skalli, A; Galerie, A; Caillet, M
Mater. Sci. Technol. Vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 853-857. Aug. 1989

Abstract: It is shown that superficial aluminisation largely improves the behaviour of Fe--2.25Cr--1Mo steel at elevated temperatures in oxygen, SO sub 2 , and a typical coal gasification atmosphere. The results are discussed with the aid of the stability diagrams of the system involving Fe, Cr, Mo, O and sulphur with or without addition of Al. 7 ref.—AA.CSA

Fundamental Kinetic Study of Aluminization of Iron by Pack Cementation at 900 deg C
Kung, S C; Rapp, R A
Surf. Coat. Technol. Vol. 32, no. 1-4, pp. 41-56. Nov. 1987

Abstract: The kinetics of pack aluminization of Fe at 900 deg C, using NaCl as the activator under both Ar and forming gas (5% hydrogen + Ar) atmospheres, has been studied. The coating system was simplified by using a low Al activity masteralloy of 42 wt.% Al--58 wt.% Fe to avoid the formation of intermetallic compounds at the substrate surface. The chemically depleted zone in the pack was eliminated by a continuous tumbling of the system during coating. The substrate was wrapped with a ceramic sheath to allow a particle-free surface and to introduce a diffusion barrier for the transporting gaseous species. The rate-limiting step for the aluminizing process was shown to be series transport of the gaseous species from the pack to the substrate surface and solid state diffusion in the substrate. A kinetic model is proposed and compared with the experimentally obtained data, and results are in good agreement. 21 ref.—AA.CSA

Simultaneous Chromizing--Aluminizing of Iron and Iron-Base Alloys by Pack Cementation
Rapp, R A; Wang, D; Weisert, T
High Temperature Coatings; Orlando, Florida; USA; 7-9 Oct. 1986. pp. 131-141. 1987

Abstract: Iron and a low-alloy steel (1.25Cr--1Mo) were simultaneously chromized and aluminized by means of a pack cementation process. A masteralloy of high Cr/Al activity ratio is essential for deposition of both Cr and Al. Therefore, a 95Cr--5Al (by weight) alloy was used as the masteralloy for coating a pure Fe substrate, and a 90Cr--10Al alloy was suitable for a 2.25Cr--1Mo steel. A mixed activator salt of 1NaCl:2AlCl sub 3 provided the proper ratio of volatile chromium to aluminum halides to achieve the desired surface composition. A rotation (tumbling) of the pack enhanced metal deposition by eliminating the depletion zone around the substrate. The resulting diffusion coatings had a Kanthal-like surface composition, Fe--20Cr--4Al, which provides superior high-temperature oxidation resistance. Thermogravimetric oxidation testing (TGA) in air at 1000 deg C confirmed the excellent oxidation resistance of this coating. Preliminary studies showed that yttrium could also be introduced into the coated surface by direct mixing of fine yttria powder into the cementation pack. Very limited testing showed a significant increase in the oxide adhesion for cyclic oxidation. 12 ref.—AA.CSA

Pack-Aluminization of Titanium
Galis, M F; Guille, J L; Clauss, A
Titanium--Science and Technology. Vol. 2; Munich; FRG; 10-14 Sept. 1984. pp. 965-972. 1985

Abstract: An adherent coating can be obtained by pack-aluminization of titanium in easily reached technological conditions. Analysis of the composite coatings yields to the characterization of a new TiAl sub 2 phase. The mechanical behaviour reamins almost unaltered for thin ( approx 2 mu m) coated wires. Such a coating could be a very efficient barrier against gaseous hydrogen penetration and could find industrial application in preventing hydrogen embrittlement of titanium. 8 ref.—AA.CSA

Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Pack Cementation Processes
Seigle, L L
Surface Engineering: Surface Modification of Materials; Les Arcs; France; 3-15 July 1983. pp. 345-369. 1984

Abstract: Pack cementation processes (aluminizing, chromizing, siliconizing) have received widespread application in the deposition of coatings to improve the surface oxidation and corrosion resistance of heat resistant alloys at elevated temp. A review of the basic thermodynamics and kinetics of such processes is presented, with emphasis on those of interest for coating gas turbine components. 49 ref.--AA

The Kinetics of Gas Transport in Halide-Activated Aluminizing Packs
Kandasamy, N; Seigle, L L; Pennisi, F J
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 17-27. 2 Oct. 1981

Abstract: Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A., Apr. 1981. The kinetics of diffusion of gaseous halides in an aluminizing pack are analyzed assuming the presence of an activator, as well as an aluminium-depleted zone. The influence of activator concentration on the aluminum transport rate is calculated for a wide range of activator concentrations in an AlF sub 3 -activated pack. Theoretical results are compared with experimental data for the aluminization of Ni. 7 ref.--AA..CSA

Basic Principles of Diffusion Coating
Wachtell, R L
Science and Technology of Surface Coatings, Academic Press, London, Eng. and New York, N.Y. 1974, 105-118

Boundary Conditions for Diffusion in the Pack-Aluminizing of Ni
Sivakumar, R; Menon, N B; Seigle, L L
Metall. Trans. Vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 396-398. Jan. 1973

Pack diffusion coating of metals
Baldi, Alfonso L; Damiano, Victor V

Abstract: In the diffusion coating of aluminum onto brazed metal, the penetration of the aluminum into the brazing is reduced by conducting the diffusion coating with hydrated aluminum chloride, bromide or iodide as energizer, with the energizer preferably kept out of contact with the work being coated until the energizer volatilizes. This is particularly suited for aluminizing chromium-containing surfaces. Chromium diffusion coatings are less apt to form undesirable oxide inclusions when the diffusion coating is from a pack containing at least about 3% Ni.sub.3 Al. Also the formation of undesirable alpha-chromium is reduced when the pack diffusion is carried out with a retort effectively not over 5 inches in height. Pack aluminizing where the aluminizing is inhibited by the presence of chromium in the pack makes a very effective top coating over platinum plated or platinum coated nickel-base superalloys. Aluminized nickel can also have its aluminum attacked and at least partially removed with aqueous caustic to leave a very highly active catalytic surface. Pack diffusion can also be arranged to simultaneously provide different coatings in different locations by using different pack compositions in those locations. An aluminizing pack containing a large amount of chromium provides a thinner aluminized case than an aluminizing pack containing less chromium and some silicon. Also a cobalt-chromium pack deposits essentially a chromized case when energized with a chloride, but deposits large amounts of cobalt along with chromium when energized with an iodide.

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Selasa, 04 November 2008

Briket batubara ( coal briquet ) : kumpulan informasi

Judul : Pengaruh campuran sampah plastik dalam briket batubara terhadap karakteristik pembakaran dan kuat tekan
Penulis : Subagsono; Budi Santoso; Wijayanto, Danar Susilo
Penerbit : Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2007.
Deskripsi Fisik : 26 hal.
Kode Panggil : 08/2265

Judul Karya : Pembriketan batubara antrasit dengan perekat bitumen
Penulis : Ginting, Immanuel; Sastrawiguna, Sumantri
Sumber : Buletin IPT ;
Badan : Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Metalurgi
Penerbitan : Bandung: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Informatika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Komputer
Deskripsi Fisik : 2 (3) 1996 : 12 - 16
File FullText : 287.pdf

Judul Karya : Pembuatan prototipe pabrik briket limbah batubara halus di daerah Kaltim
Penulis : Binudi, Rahardjo; Subagja, Rudi; Firdiyono, F.
Sumber : Prosiding ; Semiloka Nasional Metalurgi 2003 ; Jakarta
Badan : Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi LIPI
Tahun Terbit : 2003
Deskripsi Fisik : hal. 119-125
File FullText : 4150.pdf

Judul Paten : Bahan bakar padat yang dibuat dari batubara berpori dan proses produksi serta aparatus untuk memproduksinya
Penemu : Yagaki, Kazuhito (Jepang); Okuma, Osamu (Jepang); Shigehisa, Takuo (Jepang); Deguchi, Tetsuya (Jepang)
Alamat : 3-18, Wakinohama-cho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan
No. Paten : ID 0 002 754
No. FullText Data : 2754.pdf
IPC : C01L 1/32, 9/00
Tanggal : 17 Juni 1998
Abstrak : Bahan bakar padat dimana campman minyak yang mengandung fraksi minyak berat dan fraksi digabungkan dlm pori-pori halus dari batubara berpori. Batubara berpori yang ditingkatkan diprodnksi dengan cara mencampur campuran minyak yang mengandung fraksi berat dan fraksi solven dengan batubara berpori untuk menghasilkan slurry mula-mula, memanaskan slurry mula-mula untuk mempengaruhi dewatering dari batubara berpori, menggabungkan dan mengadsorpsi, pada waktu yang bersamaan, campuran minyak yang mengandung fraksi minyak berat dan fiaksi solven dlm pori-pori dari batubara berpori, dan mensubjekkan olahan selanjutnya pada pemisahan.
File FullText : 2754.pdf

Judul Paten : Proses pengolahan serbuk batubara yang lembab
Penemu : Davis, Burl E. (Amerika); Henry, Raymond M. (Amerika); Trivett, Gordon Samuel (Kanada); Albaugh, Edgar William (Amerika)Alamat : 135 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238, U.S.A.
No. Paten : ID 0 002 828
No. FullText Data : 2828.pdf
IPC : C01L 5/00, 9/00
Tanggal : 22 Juni 1998
Abstrak : Suatu proses untuk membuat suatu produk butiran mengalir bebas dari gumpalan serbuk batubara mengandung uap-air, seperti gumpalan basah, dengan mencampurkan satu minyak, misalnya minyak, dengan batubara tergumpal, sebaiknya di bawah gaya geser rendah selama jangka waktu yang cukup untuk menghasilkan sejumlah butiran mengalir bebas. Tiap butiran sebaiknya terdiri atas satu campuran yang tampak kering dari satu atau lebih partikel batubara, air sejumlah 2-50 persen berat, dan minyak.
File FullText : 2828.pdf

Judul Paten : Proses untuk pembuatan bahan bakar padat campiran dari batubara dan bahan tetumbuhan
Penemu : Mizoguchi, Chuichi (Jepang); Yamamoto, Yutaka (Jepang); Hagino, Takafumi (Jepang)
Alamat : 1-1, Kitaeguchi 1-chome, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka City,Osaka-fu, Japan
No. Paten : ID 0 006 301
No. FullText Data : 6301.pdf
IPC : C10K 5/00; C10L 5/00
Tanggal : 8 Mei 2001
Abstrak : Suatu proses untuk pembuatan bahan bakar campwan dari bahan batubara bubuk dan bahan tetumbuhan bubuk seperti misalnya kayu, ampas tebu dan sebagainya, dan kedua bahan dicampur dan diumpan ke suatu mesin pencetakan briket untuk diompresi sehingga memperoleh briket dari bahan bakar padat campuran tersebut. Pencetakan kompresi tersebut dilakukan dibawah suatu tekanan kompresi efektif sebesar 6 tkm2 tau kurang apabila indeks daya giving dari bahan batubara yang akan dipakai adalah lebih dari 50, &an tetapi apabila indeks tersebut kurang dari 50, pada suatu tekanan kompresi efektif sebesar 8 Vcm2 atau kurang.
File FullText : 6301.pdf

Judul Paten : Proses untuk mebuat bahan bakar padat komposit dari bahan batubara dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan bahan bakar komposit
Penemu : Mizoguchi, Chuichi (Jepang); Yamamoto, Yutaka (Jepang); Hagino, Takafumi (Jepang)
Alamat : 1-1, Kitaeguchi 1-Chine, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka City,Osaka-fu, Japan
No. Paten : ID 0 007 235
No. FullText Data : 7235.pdf
IPC : C10L 5/00; C10L 5/44
Tanggal : 15 Januari 2002
Abstrak : Suatu proses untuk membuat bahan bakar padat komposit dari bahan serbuk batubara dan bahau tumbuh-tumbuhan yang ditumbuk seperti kayu, hagas, cedar putih, kriptomeira, batang dan daun jagung, tangkai padi dan gandum atau sisa penggergajian kayu, kedua bahan tersebut dicampur bersama sehingga campuran mengandung bahan tnmbuh-tumbuhan dengan jumld~ sekitar 20 persen srunpai 25 persen berat. Kapur mati ditambahkan pada campuran tersebut dengan jumlah sedemikian sehingga rasio campuran molekul kalsium yang dikandung didalamnya terhadap jumlah belerang yang dikandung hanya dalam bahan batubara dapat sekitar 1,O-1,s. Kemudian carnpuran dicetak tekan dengan mesin cetak briket untuk memperoleh briket bahan bakar padat komposit.
File FullText : 7235.pdf

Judul Paten : Proses untuk mebuat bahan bakar padat komposit dari bahan batubara dan tumbuh-tumbuhan
Penemu : Mizoguchi, Chuichi (Jepang); Yamamoto, Yutaka (Jepang); Hagino, Takafumi (Jepang)
Alamat : 1-1, Kitaeguchi 1-Chine, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka City,Osaka-fu, Japan
No. Paten : ID 0 007 236
No. FullText Data : 7236.pdf
IPC : C10L 05/06
Tanggal : 15 Januari 2002
Abstrak : Suatu proses untuk membuat bahan bakar padat komposit dari bahan serbuk batu bara dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang ditumbuk seperti kayu, bagas dan sebagainya, di mana bahan batu baa dikeringkan supaya mengurangi jumlah kandungan air pada permukaannya sampai batas 1-2 persen dalam berat, sedanglcan bahan tumbuh-tumbuhan dikeringkan supaya mengurangi jumlah kandungan air sampai 15 persen dalam berat atau kurang, bahan-bahan yang dikeringkan dicampur secara homogen dan dimasulckan Ice mesin cetak briket untuk ditekan di bawah teltanan cetak sekitar 8 thn atau kurang.
File FullText : 7236.pdf

Judul : Mengolah batubara menjadi briket
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Maj - 460
Abstrak : Berdasarkan bentuknya, briket dibedakan menjadi briket telor/jengkol dan briket sarang tawon yang berbentuk silinder dan kubus. Diuraikan beberapa tahapan pengolahannya, yaitu pemilihan jenis batubara, karbonisasi, penumbukan (penggerusan), pencampuran, pencetakan, pengeringan, dan pengemasan.

Judul Laporan : Pemanfaatan limbah pertanian untuk pembuatan briket arang dengan campuran batubara
Penulis : Gafar, Patoni A.
Penerbitan : Samarinda Proyek Pengembangan dan Pelayanan Teknologi Industri Kalimantan Timur , Tahun Penerbitan : 1995 , Deskripsi Fisik : hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 95/1669

Judul Laporan : Karakteristik berbagai macam campuran briket batubara untuk bahan bakar keperluan rumah tangga dan industri kecil: laporan penelitian
Penulis : Susila, I WayanSuryantoBajabir, Farouq Zein
Penerbitan : Surabaya Lembaga Penelitian Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Surabaya , Tahun Penerbitan : 1995 , Deskripsi Fisik : 54 hal., lamp.
Kode Panggil : 96/0016
Deskriptor : /Coal//Briquets//Energy resources/
ABSTRAK : Tujuan penelitian untuk mengembangkan suatu prototipe briket batu bara yang tepat untuk bahan bakar konsumsi rumah tangga dan industri kecil. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan model faktorial (9x12), dengan membuat komposisi campuran bahan baku serbuk batu bara 97,5 persen; bahan campuran yang diarangkan (sekam padi, serbuk gergaji, ampas tebu) dengan proporsi campuran masing-masing spesimen 1,5 persen; dan bahan pengikat (lempung, bentonit, tetes gula, tepung kanji) masing-masing spesimen 1 persen. Briket batu bara yang dikembangkan terdiri dari 12 macam campuran dengan sampel masing-masing campuran 5-10 buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik briket batu bara yang dicobakan cukup baik dan cenderung mengalami peningkatan, yakni kadar abu, berat jenis, zat terbang, karbon padat, kelembapan, dan kuat tekan. Tetapi nilai kalor, lama waktu penyalaan dan pembakaran lebih rendah dari yang sudah pernah dibuat. Sebagai misal, nilai kalor semua komposisi briket berkisar 1.700-3.200 kal/g dengan temperatur kurang dari 100 derajat C, sehingga untuk memasak air pun tidak mampu. Hasil uji Anova, dari masing-masing campuran terdapat perbedaan karakteristik briket yang signifikan pada ubahan, kuat tekan, kadar abu, zat terbang, berat jenis, dan kelembapan; sedangkan karbon padat tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Dengan demikian prototipe briket batu bara yang dicoba tidak dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan industri. Disarankan agar melakukan percobaan lanjutan terutama untuk meningkatkan nilai kalor, mempersingkat waktu penyalaan, dan memperlama waktu pembakaran briket

Judul : Pengaruh distribusi ukuran batubara pada karbonisasi semi kokas untuk pembuatan briket batubara di Kotabangun, Kabupaten Kutai, Kalimantan Timur
Sumber : Seminar Sehari Geoteknologi dalam Industrialisasi: prosiding, Bandung, Mar 1995 ; 13 hal.
Penulis : Suyadi, Daman ; Gani, M. Ulum A. ; Widodo
Kode Panggil : 555.958 Sem p

Judul : Upaya peningkatan mutu karbonisasi pada pabrik briket batubara di PT Bukit Asam, Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan
Sumber : Seminar Sehari Geoteknologi dalam Industrialisasi: prosiding, Bandung, Mar 1995 ; 9 hal.
Penulis : Suyadi, Daman
Kode Panggil : 555.958 Sem p

Judul : Pengaruh karbonisasi ganda terhadap kualitas briket batubara
Sumber : Seminar Nasional IV Kimia dalam Industri dan Lingkungan: prosiding, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Des 1995 ; 7 hal.
Penulis : Gani, M. Ulum A.
Kode Panggil : 660 Sem p

Judul : Pengaruh mutu semi kokas terhadap kualitas briket pada percobaan pembuatan briket batubara di Kecamatan Kotabangun, Kabupaten Kutai, Kalimantan Timur
Sumber : Seminar Evaluasi Kegiatan Litbang LIPI di Kalimantan Timur Tahun 1994/1995, Tenggarong, 14 Mar 1995 ; 20 hal.
Penulis : Suyadi, Daman ; Gani, M. Ulum A. ; Widodo
Kode Panggil : 634.9095983 Sem p

Judul : Bahan bakar briket batubara sebagai alternatif pengganti kayu bakar
Sumber : Seminar Nasional Kimia III: prosiding, Yogyakarta, 25 Apr. 1998 ; 9 hal.
Penulis : Suyadi, Daman
Kode Panggil : 543 Sem p

Judul : Pembuatan prototipe pabrik briket limbah batubara halus di daerah Kaltim.
Sumber : Prosiding Semiloka Nasional Metalurgi 2003 16 Des 2003 ; Hal.119-125
Penulis : Binudi, Rahardjo ; Subagja, Rudi ; Firdiyono, F.
Lokasi : umu
Kode Panggil : 669 Sem p
Abstrak : Telah dilakukan pelaksanaan pembuatan percontohan pabrik briket dengan kapasitas 300 ton tiap bulan, dengan memanfaatkan debu halus batubara sisa proses penambahan batubara. Tidak kurang dari satu juta ton batubara halus tiap tahun dihasilkan oleh penambang-penambang batubara di seluruh Kaltim dan hal ini merupakan masalah lingkungan disekitar daerah penambangan batubara. Melihat dari besarnya jumlah limbah batubara halus tersebut maka Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi LIPI bekerja sama dengan UKM daerah pada tahun anggaran (ABT) 2002 melakukan kerjasama penelitian dan pengembangan untuk membangun Pabrik Percontohan Pembuatan Briket Batubara Halus. Pembangunan pabrik didirikan di Desa Bakungan, Kecamatan Loa Janan, Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur. Konstruksi dan instalasi dilakukan oleh P2M LIPI dan UKM di daerah Kab. Kutai Kartanegara. Peralatan pabrik yang terdiri dari mesin pencetak briket, pencampur (mixer), penggiling halus, bak penampung dan belt conveyor dalam uji coba telah menunjukkan unjuk kerja yang cukup baik. Hasil analisa briket batuara hasil uji coba produksi briket batubara menunjukkan nilai kekuatan dan pembakaran yang baik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber bahan bakar alternatif untuk rumah tangga, industri kecil dan peternakan. Batubara halus yang selama ini belum banyak dimanfaatkan dengan adanya mesin briket ini telah memberikan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat setempat, menambah kegiatan bisnis di daerah sekaligus turut memecahkan masalah lingkungan pada penambangan batubara.

Judul Buku : Analisa dan pengujian karakteristik briket batubara tanpa karbonisasi dan tungku untuk rumah tangga
Penulis : Harbawamurti, Tri Esti; Suyartono; Panaka, Petrus; Supriyanto, Heri; Hawaria; Ishom, Faizul
Lokasi : rut,
Kode Panggil : III/662 Her
Bidang Penelitian : Teknologi energi
Deskriptor : Briquets; Stoves, Coal

Sumber: http://www.ristek.go.id/file_upload/lain_lain/briket/briket_batubara_1.htm

BRIKET BATUBARA: Makin Dikenal, Makin Disayang …
Batubara Sebagai Sumber Energi Utama ( 7 halaman)

Sumber: http://www.tekmira.esdm.go.id/BRIKET/berita/makindikenalmakindisayang.htm


EC: IPC: C10L5/16; C10L5/10; C10L5/00 (+2)
Publication info: RU2024592 - 1994-12-15


Applicant: QU YUNHUA (CN)
EC:IPC:C10L5/04;C10L5/00; (IPC1-7): C10L5/04
Publication info:
CN1055949 - 1991-11-06

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