Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008


Judul Buku :
Plant cell and tissue culture
Penulis : Stafford, AngelaWarren, Graham
Nama Penerbit : Open University Press , Lokasi Penerbitan : Buckingham
Tahun Penerbitan : 1991 , Deskripsi Fisik : 251 hal.
Lokasi : umu
Kode Panggil : 581.87 Pla
Subjek : Plant tissue culture

Judul Buku :
Plant cell and tissue culture
Penulis : Narayanaswamy, S.
Nama Penerbit : Tata McGraw-Hill , Lokasi Penerbitan : New Delhi
Tahun Penerbitan : 1994 , Deskripsi Fisik : 652 hal.
Lokasi : umu
Kode Panggil : 581.82 Nar p
Subjek : Plant tissue culture

Judul Buku :
Metode kultur jaringan tanaman
Penulis : Wetter, L.R. Constabel, F.
Nama Penerbit : Penerbit ITB , Lokasi Penerbitan : Bandung
Tahun Penerbitan : 1991 , Deskripsi Fisik : 190 hal.
Lokasi : cib
Kode Panggil : 574.0724 Met
Subjek : Plant tissue culture

Judul Buku :
Pedoman pelaksanaan teknik kultur jaringan
Penulis : Nugroho, ArintoSugito, Heru
Nama Penerbit : Penebar Swadaya , Lokasi Penerbitan : Jakarta
Tahun Penerbitan : 1996 , Deskripsi Fisik : 70 hal.
Lokasi : kli
Kode Panggil Lain : Kul

Judul Laporan Penelitian : Beberapa percobaan mengenai fisiologi kultur jaringan tumbuhan
Penulis : Suhaendi, Hendi
Penerbitan : Bogor: Lembaga Penelitian Hutan, 1980
Deskripsi Fisik : 18 hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 94/1797

Judul :
Pedoman pelaksanaan teknik kultur jaringan
Penulis : Nugroho, Arinto; Sugito, Heru
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya, 1996
Kode Panggil : Kul
Abstrak : Teknik kultur jaringan merupakan suatu metode untuk mengambil bagian tanaman seperti protoplasma, sel, sekelompok sel, jaringan dan organ serta menumbuhkannya dalam kondisi aseptik. Kultur jaringan ditujukan untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat dari suatu tanaman. Dalam buku ini dibahas masalah teknik kultur jaringan beserta peralatannya; teknik kultur meristem; serta kultur meristem untuk tanaman wortel, melon, kentang, krisan, dan violces.

Judul : Kultur Jaringan: Teknik Perbanyakan Tanaman Secara Modern
Penulis : Rahardja,P.C.
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya, 1988, 53 hlm.
Kode Panggil : 57
Abstrak : Kultur jaringan merupakan perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif buatan.Manfaat utama kultur jaringan adalah menghasilkan tanaman baru dalam jumlah besar dalam waktu singkat,dengan sifat dan kualitas sama dengan tanaman induk.Media tumbuh yang dipakai terdiri dari campuran garam mineral berisi unsur makrodan unsur mikro,asam amino,vitamin,gula,serta hormon tumbuhan dengan perbandingan tertentu.Jaringan yang akan digunakan diambil dengan pisau tajam steril dari ujung tunas muda,ujung akar,atau bagian lain.Jaringan disterilkan dengan bahan kimia,lalu sudah bisa ditanam dalam media tanam,jaringan ini disebut eksplan.Dewasa ini banyak spesies tumbuhan yang diperbanyak melalui kultur jaringan,mulai dari tanaman hias sampai tanaman keras seperti karet,kopi dan coklat.Kultur jaringan memerlukan keterampilan khusus yang dilatarbelakangi pengetahuan dasar kimia dan biologi.

Judul :
Menengok teknologi kultur jaringan dan prinsip kerjanya
Penulis : Agus Supriyatno
Sumber : Cultivar, 15, 1997: 21-22
Kode Panggil : Maj-823
Abstrak : Untuk memperoleh bibit tanaman yang berkualitas dan dalam jumlah yang besar dapat di lakukan dengan teknik kultur jaringan. Dalam artikel dijelaskan tentang prinsip dasar penyediaan bibit tanaman secara kultur jaringan dan syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar usaha ini menguntungkan.

Judul :
Pembibitan dengan kultur jaringan
Judul terjemahan : Seedling by tissue culture
Sumber : Trubus : majalah pertanian , 15 (171) 1984: 114-116
Tahun Penerbitan : 1984
Deskriptor : Tissue cultures

Judul :
Kultur jaringan tanaman sebagai sarana perbanyakan tanaman dan pengembangan pertanian
Judul terjemahan : Plant tissue culture as a plant reproduction medium and agricultural development
Sumber : Majalah Pertanian : Departemen Pertanian - Jakarta , 32 (4) 1984/85: 55-59
Penulis : Sudarsono
Tahun Penerbitan : 1985
Deskriptor : Tissue culturesAgricultural development

Judul : Produksi metabolit sekunder dengan teknik kultur jaringan tanaman
Sumber : Seminar Nasional Metabolit Sekunder 1987: Buku risalah, Yogyakarta, 6-9Sep 1987
Penulis : Indryanto, Gunawan
Tahun Penerbitan : 1987
Deskripsi Fisik : 11 hal
Deskriptor : Tissue culturesPlants
Kode Panggil : 615.32 Sem b

Judul :
Kultur jaringan sebagai sarana utuk menghasilkan metabolit sekunder
Sumber : Seminar Nasional Metabolit Sekunder 1987: Buku risalah, Yogyakarta, 6-9Sep 1987
Penulis : Dalimoenthe, Salwa Lubnan
Tahun Penerbitan : 1987
Deskripsi Fisik : 5 hal
Deskriptor : Tissue cultures
Kode Panggil : 615.32 Sem b

Judul :
Kultur jaringan sebagai sarana utuk menghasilkan metabolit sekunder
Sumber : Seminar Nasional Metabolit Sekunder 1987: Buku risalah, Yogyakarta, 6-9Sep 1987
Penulis : Dalimoenthe, Salwa Lubnan
Tahun Penerbitan : 1987
Deskripsi Fisik : 5 hal
Deskriptor : Tissue cultures
Kode Panggil : 615.32 Sem b

Judul :
Pemanfaatan metoda kultur jaringan untuk memproduksi bibit hortikultura secara komersial
Sumber : Simposium dan Seminar Nasional Hortikultura Indonesia: Prosiding, Bogor,13-14 Okt 1990
Penulis : Adiningrat, Elda D. ; Safarman, K. Karianan ; Abinawanto, Nisyawati ; Herbudianto, SriLestari
Tahun Penerbitan : 1990
Deskripsi Fisik : 5 hal
Deskriptor : SeedsHorticultureTissue cultures
Kode Panggil : 635 Sim p

Judul :
Mengenal kultur jaringan tumbuhan
Sumber : Media Ekonomi; Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trisakti : 6 (12) 1994: 42-49
Penulis : Budipramana, Lukas S.
Tahun Penerbitan : 1994
Deskriptor : Tissue cultures


Judul Laporan Penelitian :
Studi perbanyakan tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale Rose) melalui teknik kultur jaringan dengan suplemen zeolit : laporan penelitian
Penulis : Wattimena, G.A.; Matcik, Nurhayati Ansori; Purwito, Agus
Penerbitan : Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1992
Deskripsi Fisik : 54 hal.
Lokasi : lap
Kode Panggil : 93/2609

Judul : Budidaya bibit jahe dengan kultur jaringan
Penulis : Suswanto, Edi
Sumber : Sinar Tani, 25 Sep. 1991. Hal. II (dalam: Kumpulan kliping jahe I. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 24-25)
Kode Panggil : Jah
Abstrak : Kultur jaringan (tissue culture) merupakakn suatu teknik budidaya perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif buatan yang memakai suatu media tumbuh yang mengandung unsur-unsur penting bagi kebutuhan hidup tanaman jahe. Artikel ini menjelaskan cara memilih bibit jahe, tahapan memperbanyak bibit jahe, mempersiapkan media tanaman, dan bahan pelengkap untuk pertumbuhan. Dijelaskan juga tahapan pelaksanaan kultur jaringan di laboratorium (penggojokan untuk mendapatkan protocorm like bodies, pemeliharaan hasil kultur jaringan, sterilisasi, serta aklimatisasi yaitu pengadaptasian plantlet yang dikeluarkan dari botol terhadap lingkungan luar secara bertahap).

Judul :
Kemungkinan perbanyakan kultur jaringan pada jahe
Sumber : Neraca, 23 Jul. 1992. Hal. XI (dalam: Kumpulan kliping jahe I. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 26-27)
Kode Panggil : Jah
Abstrak : Perbanyakan dengan teknik kultur jaringan memiliki keuntungan di antaranya pengadaan bibit tidak tergantung musim, dapat dilakukan dalam jumlah besar dan dalam waktu bersamaan. Artilek ini menguraikan langkah-langkah perbanyakan bibit jahe dengan teknik kultur jaringan diawali dengan sterilisasi eksplan, penanaman eksplan pada medium dasar hingga mendapatkan tunas adventif, dan penggandaan tunas adventif pada sub kultur baru. Dijelaskan juga jenis-jenis jahe yang digandrungi petani karena mempunyai prospek pasar yang cerah untuk menghasilkan jahe muda segar.

Judul : Perbanyakan cepat jahe merah melalui teknik kultur jaringan
Penulis : Gati, Endang; Mariska, Ika
Sumber : Bul. Balitro, 3 (1) 1988: 35 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping jahe I. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 35-38)
Kode Panggil : Jah
Abstrak : Jahe merah mempunyai potensi sebagai penghasil minyak atsiri. Metode pembiakan secara cepat pada jahe melalui kultur jaringan sudah banyak dikembangkan. Penelitian ini membahas teknik perbanyakan dengan kultur jaringan untuk mengatasi masalah pengadaan bibit yang masih minim. Dalam penelitian ini dijelaskan beberapa tahap percobaan antara lain sterilisasi bahan tanaman, penanaman eksplan pada medium dasar, dan pengembangan tunas adventif. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pembentukan tunas adventif memerlukan BAP dengan konsentrasi 10 mg/l dengan penambahan NAA 0.1 mg/l, kalus kompak dapat membantu tunas adventif dan akar dengan cepat, sebaliknya kalus friable tidak berhasil membentuk tunas adventif dan hanya dapat membentuk akar.

Judul :
Perbanyakan vegetatif melalui kultur jaringan pada tanaman jahe
Judul terjemahan : Vegetative propagation of ginger by tissue culture
Sumber : Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Pangan : (4) 1992: 1-5
Penulis : Mariska, Ika ; Syahid, Sitti Fatimah
Tahun Penerbitan : 1992
Deskriptor : Tissue culturesGingerZingiber officinale

Judul :
Perbanyakan tanaman jahe merah (Zingiber officinale Rosc, var Rubra) dengan teknik kultur jaringan
Sumber : Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi: prosiding, Bogor, 11-12 Feb 1992
Penulis : Hoesen, Djadja Siti Hazar ; Poerba, Yuyu Suryasari
Tahun Penerbitan : 1992
Deskripsi Fisik : 5 hal.
Deskriptor : GingerZingiber officinaleTissue culture
Kode Panggil : 620.82 Sem p

Judul :
Pengaruh media tumbuh dan umur bibit jahe hasil kultur jaringan terhadap pertumbuhan di lapang.
Judul terjemahan : The influence of growth media and ginger seed age from tissue culture production to field growth.
Sumber : Media Komunikasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri : (14) 1994: 63-66
Penulis : Syahid, Sitti Fatimah ; Hobir ; Mariska, Ikarti
Tahun Penerbitan : 1994
Deskriptor : Growing mediaGingerPlant growthSeeds

CHANG, B.K.W.; CRILEY, R.A. Clonal propagation of pink ginger in vitro. HortScience, v.28, p.1203, 1993.

DEKKERS, A.J.; RAO, A.N.; GOH, C.J. In vitro storage of multiple shoot cultures of gingers at ambient temperature of 24-29 °C. Scientia Horticulturae, v.47, p.157-167, 1991.

Micropropagation of ginger.

Inden, H., A.Hirano and T. Asahira, 1988.
Acta Hortic, 230: 177-184.

Clonal propagation of ginger in vitro. In: Plant Tissue Culture Genetic Manipulation and Somatic Hybridization of Plants.

Nadgauda, R.S., D.D. Kulkarni, A.F. Mascarenhas and V. Jagannathan, 1980.
Proc. National Symposium held at BARC, Bombay, India (Rao, P.S, M.R. Heble and M.S. Chadha eds), pp: 358-368.

In vitro
micropropagation of ginger (Zingiber Officinale Rosc.): interaction of growth regulators and culture conditions.
Rout, G.R., S.K. Palai, and P. Das, (1997).
Indian J. Herbs Spices. (In press)

P.A. Nazeem, L. Joseph, T.G. Rani, P.A. Valsala, S. Philip, G.S. Nair
Genetic variability in the spice crop, Ginger, is too narrow, owing to its incompatibility and lack of seed set in nature. The disease outbreak in cultivators' fields urge the need for inducing genetic variability and screening for disease resistance/tolerance. In vitro pollination was attempted to overcome the pre-fertilization barriers that interfered with natural seed set in ginger. The spiny stigma, long style and coiling of pollen tube were some among the barriers of fertility reported earlier. The present study highlights the feasibility of in vitro pollination for successful seed set in ginger. The media and conditions for the healthy growth of detached ovary were identified. A viable protocol was developed for rapid multiplication of tiny seedlings that merged out of in vitro raised seeds of ginger. The plantlets were rooted, hardened and planted out successfully.

clonal propagation of ginger (Z. Officinale Rosc.) through tissue culture

Hosoki, T. and Y. Sagawa, 1977.

Hort. Sci., 12: 451-452.

Clonal propagation of ginger in vitro. In: Plant Tissue Culture Genetic Manipulation and Somatic Hybridization of Plants.

Nadgauda, R.S., D.D. Kulkarni, A.F. Mascarenhas and V. Jagannathan, 1980.

Proc. National Symposium held at BARC, Bombay, India (Rao, P.S, M.R. Heble and M.S. Chadha eds), pp: 358-368.

In vitro
microrhizome production in Zingiber officinale Rosc.
Plant Cell Reports, Volume 15, Numbers 3-4 / December, 1995
T. R. Sharma1 and B. M. Singh1
(1). Biotechnology Centre, Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, 176062 Palampur, India

Microrhizomes of Zingiber officinale were successfully produced from tissue culture derived shoots by transferring them to liquid MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BAP, 2 mg/l calcium pantothenate, 0.2 mg/l GA3 and 0.05 mg/l NAA for shoot proliferation. After 4 weeks of incubation, the medium was replaced with microrhizome induction medium, consisting of MS salts supplemented with 8 mg/l BAP and 75 g/l sucrose. Microrhizome formation started after 20 d of incubation in stationary cultures at 25+1 ° in the dark. Microrhizomes with 1–4 buds and weighing 73.8 to 459 mg each were harvested after 50–60 d. After storage for 2 months in moist sand at room temperature, 80% of the microrhizomes sprouted producing roots and shoots.
BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - GA3 gibberellic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium

In vitro microrhizome production in Zingiber officinale Rosc.


Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, biotechnology cent., Palampur 176062, INDE


Microrhizomes of Zingiber officinale were successfully produced from tissue culture derived shoots by transferring them to liquid MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BAP, 2 mg/l calcium pantothenate, 0.2 mg/l GA[3] and 0.05 mg/l NAA for shoot proliferation. After 4 weeks of incubation, the medium was replaced with microrhizome induction medium, consisting of MS salts supplemented with 8 mg/l BAP and 75 g/l sucrose. Microrhizome formation started after 20 d of incubation in stationary cultures at 25+1°C in the dark. Microrhizomes with 1-4 buds and weighing 73.8 to 459 mg each were harvested after 50-60 d.After storage for 2 months in moist sand at room temperature, 80% of the microrhizomes sprouted producing roots and shoots.
Plant cell reports (Plant cell rep.), 1995, vol. 15, no3-4, pp. 274-277 (10 ref.)

Large Scale Multiplication of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Rosc.)
From Shoot-tip Culture
Anjumanara Khatun, Shamima Nasrin and M.Tojammal Hossain

Plant Tissue Culture Section, Biological Research Division, BCSIR Laboratories,

Dr. Kudrat-I- khuda Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh

Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (1): 59-64, 2003

The rapid multiplication from the soot-tip of ginger through in vitro culture has taken. Aseptic shoot tip from rhizome of ginger were cultured on MS medium. Three persent sucrose, 0.5% agar and different concentrations and combinations of hormone were used for the media. Vigorous ginger plantlets were obtained directly from the
shoot tip explant supplemented with 2.5 and 0.5 mg/l Kn. 22-25 plantlets from each explants were directly transferred to the field without any acclimatization. 100% plants were successfully survived in the field condition.

Key words: Ginger, In vitro, multiplication, zingiber, multiplication

Meristem culture and micropropagation of a variety of ginger ( Zingiber Officinale Rosc.) with a high yield of oleoresin.

Bhagyalakshmi, and N.S. Singh, 1988.
J. Hort. Sci., pp: 321-327.

In vitro
propagation of Ginger. (Zingiber Officinale Rocs.)
Hoque, M.I., S. Perveen and R.H. Sarker, 1999.
Plant Tissue cult., 9: 45-51.

clonal propagation of ginger (Z. Officinale Rosc.) through tissue culture

Hosoki, T. and Y. Sagawa, 1977.

Hort. Sci., 12: 451-452.


Judul :
Aplikasi kultur jaringan untuk perbanyakan klonal tanaman kencur.
Judul terjemahan : Tissue culture application to propagation of Kaempferia galanga clonal
Sumber : Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia : 3 (2) 1996: 11-13
Penulis : Seswita, Deliah ; Marsika, Ika ; Gati, Endang
Tahun Penerbitan : 1996
Deskriptor : Medicinal plantsTissue culturesSeedlingsKaempferia galanga
Abstrak : To produce Kempferia galanga L. seedling in a relatively short time, in vitro clonal propagation was studied in the Central Research and Development for Industrial Crops, Bogor.

In vitro plantlet production system for Kaempferia galanga, a rare Indian medicinal herb
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 63(3 )December 2000 : 193-197
Fatima Shirin1, 1 , Sandeep Kumar1 and Yogeshwar Mishra1(1) Genetics & Plant Propagation Division, Tropical Forest Research Institute, P. O. RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur (M.P.), 482 021, India

Abstract :
A rapid clonal propagation system for Kaempferia galanga (Zingiberaceae), a rare folk medicinal herb has been developed. Various concentrations of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and a range of auxins have been investigated for in vitro plantlet production, using rhizomes as explants. In vitro plantlet production has been achieved on 0.75 × Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 12 μM BA, 3 μM ∝-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 3% sucrose. The procedure ensures 13-fold rate of plantlet production every 4 weeks. Hardened plantlets produced normal storage roots as the parent plants. Around 1,000 plantlets have been produced successfully for field transfer.

Micropropagation of Kaempferia galanga L. — a medicinal plant

K. A. Vincent1, K. Mary Mathew1 and Molly Hariharan1(1) Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Botany, University of Calicut, 673 635 Kerala, India

Without Abstract, Key words clonal propagation - multiple shoots - tissue culture

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 28( 2) February 1992: 229-230

In vitro plantlet production system for Kaempferia galanga, a rare Indian medicinal herb

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 63(3 )December 2000 : 193-197
Fatima Shirin1, 1 , Sandeep Kumar1 and Yogeshwar Mishra1

(1) Genetics & Plant Propagation Division, Tropical Forest Research Institute, P. O. RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur (M.P.), 482 021, India

Abstract :
A rapid clonal propagation system for Kaempferia galanga (Zingiberaceae), a rare folk medicinal herb has been developed. Various concentrations of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and a range of auxins have been investigated for in vitro plantlet production, using rhizomes as explants. In vitro plantlet production has been achieved on 0.75 × Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 12 μM BA, 3 μM ∝-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 3% sucrose. The procedure ensures 13-fold rate of plantlet production every 4 weeks. Hardened plantlets produced normal storage roots as the parent plants. Around 1,000 plantlets have been produced successfully for field transfer.


Judul :
Kultur jaringan kunir putih (Kaempferia rotunda L.).
Judul terjemahan : Shoot culture of Kaempferia rotunda L.
Sumber : Berita Biologi: jurnal ilmiah biologi : 4 (4) 1998: 175-182
Penulis : Hoesen, Djadja Siti Hazar
Tahun Penerbitan : 1998
Deskriptor : Kaempferia rotundaMeristem cultureTissue culture
Abstrak : Shoot cultures of Kaempferia rotunda L. were established from rhizome segment. In the 1st experimen these explants were planted on Gamborg/B5 medium that supplemented with BA concentrations were (0, 0.5, 1, and 2) mg/l and/or kinetine were (0, 2, and 4) mg/l. In 2nd experiment these explants planted in Murashige and Skoog medium (MS). This medium supplemented with BA concentrations (0, 2, and 4) mg/l and/or NAA (0 and 1) mg/l. The result in the 1st experiment showed that the best proliferated shoots was from the culture that supplemented with BA 1 mg/l and kinetine 4 mg/l, while in the 2nd experiment the best proliferated shoots was from the culture that supplemented with BA 4 mg/l and NAA 1 mg/l. These shoots were then subcultured on MS liquid medium supplemented with BA (5 mg/l) and MS agar medium was supplemented with BA (2 mg/l) + 2iP (0.5 mg/l) + thidiazuron (0.01 mg/l) + NAA (0.5 mg/l). The cultures could induce the shoots number and produce the morphological plantlets for acclimatization, and acclimatization successed on soil and compost mixed medium in ratio 1 : 1. (Pengarang)

Judul :
Model kultur jaringan dalam mempelajari toksisitas curcuma pada kultur fibroblas.
Judul terjemahan : Tissue culture model to study toxicty of curcumin in fibroblast culture
Sumber : Mediagama : 1 (3) Sep 1999: 37-44
Penulis : Budiman, Nany ; Soejono, Sri Kadarsih
Tahun Penerbitan : 1999
Deskriptor : /Tissue culture//Curcumin//Toxicity//Fibroblast//Medicinal plants//Curcuma/
Abstrak : Curcumin, the active ingredient of Curcuma sp, is one of the commonest traditional medicine used in Indonesia. But still little is know about the toxicity of the compound. In vitro test system and Vero cells were chosen to study the yoxicity. Nins replicates were used for the control group and research group. Curcumin suspension of 0.0875, 0.175, 0.35, 0.7 and 1.4 wqas used in each of research group. Observation was conducted after 72 hours incubation. Evaluation of the results is carried out qualitatively (photographics) and quantitatively (Reed & Muench formula). It is obtained that the concertration of curcumin suspension that causes the death of 50 perce of cells or cytopathic effect value (CPE50) is 0.8077 mg/ml and it is shown that 0.175 mg/ml curcumin starts to inhibit the cells groth. (Pengarang)


Judul : Kultur jaringan temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) dan studi awal kemungkinan penggunaan mutagen untuk meningkatkan kadar kurkuminnya
Sumber : Simposium Nasional Temulawak, Bandung, 17-18 Sep 1985
Penulis : Mukbri, Zurhan ; Baihaki, A. ; Soedigdo, P.
Tahun Penerbitan : 1985
Deskriptor : Tissue culturesCurcuma xanthorrhizaCurcuminMutagens
Kode Panggil : 581.634 Sim p

Current Applications of Tissue Culture in Plant Propagation and Improvement
MK Smith and RA Drew
Plant tissue culture involves the culture of all types of plant cells, tissues and organs under aseptic conditions. This definition also extends to the culture of excised embryos and to protoplast culture. An overview of tissue culture techniques and their applications in plant propagation and genetic improvement of plants is presented. The areas under review include: (1) embyro culture, (2) meristem culture, (3) micropropagation, (4) somatic embryogenesis, (5) somaclonal variation, (6) in vitro selection, (7) anther culture and (8) protoplast culture. Problems and limitations of each of the techniques are also discussed. Examples are given of work that has been undertaken or that is currently in progress on the application of these techniques to the improvement of Queensland's subtropical horticultural industries. Key examples are: (1) embryo culture to facilitate incorporation of genes conferring disease-resistance from wild Cucurbita species into cultivated varieties, (2) meristem culture for virus elimination in strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), (3) micropropagation for rapid increase in new varieties of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and pineapple (Ananas comosus) to enable more rapid field evaluation and early release, (4) micropropagation of disease-free, genetically uniform planting material of superior female papaya (Carica papaya) selections and banana (Musa spp.) selections and (5) the use of somaclonal variation and gamma-irradiation for the genetic improvement of banana. Finally, future opportunities for the utilisation of tissue culture in plant propagation and improvement in Queensland's horticultural industries are summarised.( Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 17(3) : 267 - 289 )

Multiplication of Curcuma species by tissue culture
Planta Medica, v.54, p.75-79, 1988.

In vitro clonal multiplication of turmeric (Curcuma spp.) and ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)

Plant Cell Reports, Volume 8, Number 9 / January, 1990
S. M. Balachandran1 , S. R. Bhat1 and K. P. S. Chandel1

(1) National Plant Tissue Culture Repository, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, 110012 New Delhi, India

Abstract :
Rhizome buds, excised from threeCurcuma spp., and ginger, inoculated aseptically on MS medium with varying levels of BAP and kinetin, produced multiple shoots. For shoot multiplication, a concentration of 3.0 mg/l BAP was found to be optimum for all the species.In vitro plants were successfully established in the field and were morphologically uniform. A simple method to extend the subculture interval was used and its relevance to germplasm conservation is discussed.
Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - kinetin 6-furfurylaminopurine - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962)

Multiplication of Curcuma species by tissue culture


Planta Medica, v.54, p.75-79, 1988.

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