Rabu, 21 April 2010

Budidaya lele

Judul : Petunjuk praktis budidaya lele dumbo dan lokal
Penulis : Budi Santoso
Penerbitan : Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1994
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Lele dumbo pantas dijuluki Sibongsor, karena kespektakuler pertumbuhannya dibandingkan lele lokal. Dari hasil uji coba, terlihat bahwa lele dumbo dapat mencapai berat 180 - 200 g/ekor, sedangkan lele lokal 40 - 50 g/ekor. Buku ini memperkenalkan kedua jenis lele tersebut di atas lengkap dengan pemijahannya, cara membesarkan, penyakit dan penanggulangannya, serta cara mempertahankan mutu ikan tersebut.

Judul : Memijahkan lele sendiri.
Sumber : Petunjuk praktis budidaya lele dumbo dan lokal, Budi Santoso, Hal.54-64
Penerbitan : Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1994
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Pada bab ini diuraikan liku-liku pemijahan lele sistem pasangan mulai dari persiapan tempat sampai pencegahan kematian benih saat kritis.

Judul : Memanfaatkan peceren untuk pelihara lele
Sumber : Sinar Tani, 13 Nov. 1993 Hal. V (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 94)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Artikel ini menguraikan pemanfaatan halaman pekarangan dan peceren untuk memelihara lele. Bentuk kolam, penyebaran benih dan pemberian pakan diuraikan secara singkat.

Judul : Pendederan benih lele dumbo sistem jemur
Penulis : Sutai
Sumber : Sinar Tani, 21 Agu. 1993, Hal.V (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 49)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Diuraikan secara ringkas cara pendederan benih lele dumbo sistem jemur. Sistem ini selain untuk menghemat biaya, juga nerupakan pengobatan bagi lele yang terserang penyakit.
Untuk itu perlu mempersiapkan kolam pengeringan dan pakan tambahan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan.

Judul : Memelihara ikan lele di kecomberan
Penerbitan : Padang: Balai Informasi Pertanian, 1979
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-1
Abstrak : Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pemeliharaan ikan lele, dijelaskan pula jenis ikan lele, manfaat dan kandungan gizinya. Kemudian mengenai pembuatan kolam, bibit, makanan, ciri-ciri jantan dan pria, pemeliharaannya serta masa panen (6 bulan sejak disebarkan) dan hasilnya.

Judul : Budidaya lele secara intensif
Sumber : Liptan, No. 05/1987
Penerbitan : Yogyakarta: PIP Yogyakarta, Departemen Pertanian, 1987
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-28
Abstrak : Brosur ini menguraikan mengenai budidaya ikan lele secara intensif yang terdiri dari konstruksi kolam, persiapan kolam, penebaran benih, makanan dan panen. Diuraikan pula tentang pencegahan penyakit (jenis protozoa, bacteri dan parasit).

Judul : Budidaya ikan lele dumbo
Sumber : Liptan, No. 03/KAN/ER/DIPDA/BIP-SB/88-89
Penerbitan : Padang: BIP Padang, Departemen Pertanian, 1988-1989
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-29
Abstrak : Pada brosur ini diuraikan tentang ciri-ciri dan sifat-sifat lele dumbo. Dijelaskan tentang teknik budidaya lele dumbo yang terdiri dari: persiapan kolam, pemijahan induk, penebaran benih, makanan dan panen.

Judul : Memelihara lele dengan drum bekas aspal
Penulis : Wahyono
Sumber : Kedaulatan Rakyat, 16 Okt. 1995. Hal. 9 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993 Hal.96-97)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Memelihara lele dengan drum bekas aspal, minyak tanah, dan kelapa dibahas dalam artikel ini. Diuraikan cara menghilangkan bau drum, pemilihan bibit ikan lele, pemberian makanan yang pada akhirnya dalam waktu 4 bulan dapat dipanen, meski keuntungan tipis bila menggunakan drum saja.

Judul : Beternak lele dumbo
Sumber : Buku praktis teknologi tepatguna dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pedesaan, Hal. 62-69
Penerbitan : Subang[Jawa Barat]: Kantor Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa, 1996
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : C2-10
Abstrak : Ikan lele dumbo adalah salah satu alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan protein hewani. Bab ini membahas beternak lele dumbo secara sederhana dan panen dalam waktu singkat dengan hasil cukup memuaskan. Untuk itu perlu diperhatikan manfaat beternak lele dumbo, sifat lele dumbo, peralatan, bahan, langkah-langkah beternak dan pemeliharaan serta panen atau hasil produksi lele dumbo.

Judul : Budidaya ikan lele
Penulis : -
Sumber : Liptan, No. 166/BIP/1994-1995
Penerbitan : Jambi: BIP, Departemen Pertanian, Des. 1994
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-77
Abstrak : Ikan lele (Clarias batrachus) selain dapat hidup di sungai, waduk, rawa parit, maupun genangan air lainnya, juga baik sekali dibudidayakan dikolam. Keberhasilan usaha budidaya ikan lele selain ditentukan oleh tersedianya benih lele yang baik juga oleh pemberian pakan yang baik dan cukup, kontruksi kolam yang benar, usaha pengendalian hama dan penyakit serta harus didukung pengetahuan teknis dan kemampuan untuk mengelolanya. Dalam brosur ini diuraikan secara singkat mengenai tahap-tahap budidaya ikan lele, yakni (kolam, persiapan kolam, penebaran benih dan makanan), pencegahan penyakit (protozoa, parasit, dan bakteri)serta panen. Dilengkapi dengan ciri-ciri ikan lele, gambar dan tabel perbedaan lele jantan dan betina.

Judul : Pembenihan ikan lele
Penulis : -
Sumber : Liptan, No. 10/IS dan SR/1993-1994
Penerbitan : Aceh: BIP, Departemen Pertanian, 1993
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-78
Abstrak : Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang dapat dipelihara di kolam yang sempit, sawah bahkan di comberan rumah. Pertumbuhan ikan lele cukup cepat dengan daya tahan yang tinggi serta mudah sekali berkembang biak diberbagai lokasi pemeliharaan. Salah satu hambatan yang dirasakan petani di pedesaan adalah kurangnya persediaan benih yang bermutu dan dalam jumlah yang cukup. Petani masih mengandalkan kebutuhan benih ikan lele dari usaha penangkapan alam padahal pembenihan ikan lele dapat dilakukan sendiri. Petunjuk singkat ini menyajikan teknik pembenihan ikan lele untuk kalangan petani yang mencakup; pembuatan dan kontruksi kolam, persiapan kolam dan induk jantan maupun betina, pemijahan, penyapihan serta penanggulangan hama penyakit. Dilengkapi dengan beberapa gambar dari setiap tahap pembenihan.

Judul : Teknik pembenihan lele secara hypopisasi
Penulis : Sianturi, Sotar Donald
Sumber : Bull. PMMR, Vol. XVIII (1998) 79
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Maj-188
Abstrak : Artikel menjelaskan 2 cara pembenihan ikan lele. Pertama dengan cara alami yaitu perkawinan antara lele jantan dan betina yang terdiri dari pembuatan bak/kolam, persiapan bak, pemasukan induk dan proses pemijahan. Kedua adalah teknik pembenihan secara hypopisasi yang terdiri dari persiapan induk, pengambilan kelenjar hypopisa, penyuntikan, serta proses pemijahan.

Judul : Budidaya lele dumbo di lahan kering (model Gunung Kidul)
Penulis : Hastuti, M.S.
Sumber : Bul. PMMR, 17 (74) 1997: 12-14
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Maj-329
Abstrak : Di Gunung Kidul dengan lahannya yang tandus, telah dicoba membudidayakan lele dumbo. Diuraikan dalam artikel ini budidaya lele dumbo di lahan kering meliputi penyiapan lahan, pemupukan, kolam, pembibitan, kebutuhan air kolam, tenaga kerja, pemeliharaan, dan pemanenan.
Biasanya budidaya lele dumbo siap dipasarkan dalam waktu 2-3 bulan.

Judul : Budidaya ikan lele
Penulis : Munir
Sumber : Ayam dan Telur, (52) 1991: 52 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 43-49)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Ikan lele sudah lama dikenal orang sebagai ikan liar yang hidup di sungai, selokan, parit, air tergenang, rawa, dan kolam pemeliharaan. Di dalam artikel ini diuraikan jenis dan ciri-ciri lele, pengenalan lele, perkembangbiakan secara alami dan buatan, pengetahuan tentang hama dan penyakit lele, serta pencegahan atau penyembuhan. Dipaparkan pada cara pemijahan ikan lele dengan cara kawin suntik.

Judul : Budidaya: pembesaran ikan lele
Penulis : Budy Santoso
Sumber : Ayam dan Telur, (33) 1988: 44 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 50-52)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan yang mudah dibudidayakan di kolam pekarangan atau non pekarangan. Artikel menguraikan menganai aspek-aspek budidaya ikan lele, meliputi cara pemeliharaan, pemberian pakan, penebaran, penganalisa.
Aspek ekonominya juga dikemukakan, meliputi biaya pembuatan kolam, pembelian alat-alat, biaya sarana produksi, dan penjualan lele.

Judul : Budidaya lele lokal
Penulis : Anita
Sumber : Tumbuh, (Mei) 1993: 38 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 53-54)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Lele lokal akan banyak manfaatnya apabila mampu membudidayakannya sendiri. Artikel membahas tahap pembudidayaan seperti pemberian kapur dan pupuk pada kolam, penyiapan benih, pemberian pakan, pemanenan, dan pemasaran lele. Cara ini bisa diterapkan pada budidaya lele dumbo perumnas.

Judul : Budidaya ikan lele
Penulis : Setyawati, Rosyda
Sumber : Bull. PMMR, ed. khusus HPS ke-15
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Maj-252
Abstrak : Ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.) memiliki nilai gizi dan ekonomi tinggi. Budidaya ikan lele dapat dilakukan di kolam atau tambak dengan teknik budidaya yang mudah. Kolam yang dipergunakan dapat berupa kolam tanah atau kolam tembok, serta berbentuk empat persegipanjang dengan ukuran kolam yang bervariasi tergantung kondisi tempat. Dijelaskan mengenai teknis pelaksanaannya, pemungutan hasil, serta pencegahan penyakit dengan larutan formalin.

Judul : Pemeliharaan Ikan Lele
Penerbitan : Lembang: Departemen Pertanian, 1984, Hal. 9-14
Kode Panggil : 63
Abstrak : Sebelum pembenihsn ikan lele dimulai, perlu dilakukan persiapan kolam pembenihan yaitu pengeringan dan perbaikan pematang, pengapuran dengan ukuran 25-200 gr/m persegi, pemupukan dengan pupuk kandang 500-700 gr/m persegi. Sedangkan ukuran dan konstruksi kolam pembenihan yaitu bentuk 4 persegi panjang, ukurannya 25-200 m persegi, dinding pematang sebaiknya dityembok atau dapat juga dengan batu atau batta merah, kedalaman kolam 0,5-1,5 m dengan dasar berlumpur, dan pipa pemasukan air terletak di atas permukaan air, sedangkan pengeluaran terletak di bawah, sebaiknya berbentuk monik kecil, serta kotak-kotak penelusuran dibuat sepanjang pematang kolam dengan jarak antara satu dengan lainnya kurang lebih 1 m. Cara pewmijahan ikan lele yaiu setelah kolam diari selama 5-7 hari, baru pemijahan dilaksanakan yaitu masukkanlah atau sebarkan induk-induk lele yang telah disediakan ke dalam kolam, jumlah induk lele (betina dan jantan) sama dengan banyaknya kotak peneluran yang sudah disiapkan.

Judul : Mengatasi luka pada tubuh lele

Sumber : Minggu Pagi, Minggu ke-3 Jan. 1995. Hal.VIII (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele, Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 92)

Lokasi Artikel : TTG

Kode Panggil : Lel

Abstrak : Artiekl menjelaskan 2 jenis penyakit lele, yaitu bakterial aeromonas sp dengan tanda umum tubuh melepuh, perut mengembung dan luka busuk pada permukaan tubuh. Sedangkan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh protozoa menyerang insang tanpa gejala sama sekali. Usaha pencegahan kedua penyakit dilakukan penyiapan dengan membuat sirkulasi air kolam, merendam benih dengan air gula, memberi makanan bergizi, dan vaksinasi.

Judul : Upaya penanggulangan penyakit bakterial pada ikan lele
Sumber : Sinar Tani, 28 Agu. 1993. Hal. V (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 117-118)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Artikel ini menguraikan upaya penanggulangan penyakit bakterial pada ikan lele, yaitu dengan melihat tanda-tanda terserang bakteri, cara penanggulangan penyakit baik pencegahan maupun pengobatan, serta pengobatannya diusahakan di kolam pemeliharaan.

Judul : Limbah pemotongan ayam makanan bergizi lele dumbo
Sumber : Minggu Pagi, 4 Okt. 1992. Hal. VIII (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 128)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Limbah pemotongan ayam merupakan makanan bergizi bagi lele dumbo. Selama ini makanan lele dumbo kebanyakan berupa pelet yang merupakan campuran tepung ikan, tepung darah, tepung kedelai, kaldu, premiks mineral ketel, tepung terigu, daun, dan premiks vitamin.

Judul : Lele siap memasuki sistem agrobisnis
Sumber : Minggu Pagi, Minggu ke-4 Nop. 1994. Hal. 8 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 150-151)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Dalam Sarasehan Peternak lele di Yogyakarta disimpulkan bahwa para peternak siap untuk memasuki sistem agribisnis dengan segala kendala, yaitu kesulitan untuk membentuk dan memelihara mata rantai yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan tersebut.

Judul : Cara menanggulangi penyakit bakterial lele dumbo
Penulis : Rochdianto, Agus.
Sumber : Suara Karya, 8 Feb. 1994. Hal. VII (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993, Hal.115-116)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) tergolong lele jenis unggul denganpertumbuhan bongsor. Apabila populasinya tinggi dan luas kolan serta jenis pakan terbatas, lele akan memunculkan sifat kanibalismenya. Keadaan ini membuat kondisi tubuh kurang baik dan terserang bakteri jenis Aeromonas sp dan Pseudamonas sp. Artikel ini menguraikan gejala serangan, gambaran penyakit, dan upaya penanggulangannya.

Judul : Bila lele terserang aeromonas
Penulis : Amri, Khairul.
Sumber : Suara Karya, 2 Des. 1992. Hal.VII (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 113)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Aeromonas merupakan penyakit lele yang ditakuti yaitu bentuk serangan bakteri yang datang tiba-tiba. Artikel ini membahas cara penanggulangan penyakit, yaitu dengan vaksinasi lele sehat, dengan cara merendam lele dalam bak berisi air yang diberi larutan vaksin.

Judul : Ikan lele menyukai pakan pelet
Penulis : Marcel, Rio
Sumber : Suara karya, 25 Jul. 1995. Hal.7 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 110)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Ikan lele termasuk ikan amnivora, yaitu ikan pemakan segala bahan makanan hewani atau nabati. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa dengan makan pelet, lele dapat tumbuh cepat bongsor. Uraian dilengkapi dengan laporan pertumbuhan fisik lele, penyediaan pelet, dan cara pemberian makan.

Judul : Analisa usaha pembesaran lele lokal
Penulis : Budiman, Agus. A
Sumber : Trubus, (Des.) 1987: 394 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 22)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Dalam artikel ini diuraikan rincian analisa usaha pembesaran lele lokal dengan perhitungan dari lahan kurang lebih 1000 m yang dapat dibangun 10 kolam 8 diantaranya seluas 80 m2 dilengkapi dengan saluran air, pematang, rumah jaga, dan gudang. Dari perhitungan investasi dan modal kerja, serta dikeluarkannya biaya tetap dan operasional akan diperoleh keuntungan lumayan.

Judul : Memperoleh benih lele dengan teknik hipofisasi
Sumber : Liptan, No. 017/89/ABT
Penerbitan : Jakarta: PIP Jakarta, Departemen Pertanian, 1989
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-30
Abstrak : Upaya pembenihan dengan cara hipofisasi diuraikan dalam artikel ini. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan pada hipofisasi adalah persiapan (pemilihan induk, pemeliharaan induk, persiapan kolam, pemasukan induk dan pemberian makanan). Kemudian pembenihan (bahan dan alat, dosis penyuntikan dan cara pelaksanaannya).

Judul : Kolam lele di pekarangan rumah bisa hasilkan keuntungan besar
Penulis : Sairi, Abu
Sumber : Kedaulatan Rakyat, 25 Sep. 1993. Hal. XIV (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 104)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Dalam artikel ini disajikan pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah sebagai usaha peternakan lele yang bisa menghasilkan keuntungan besar. Diuraikan perawatan lele dan analisis usahanya serta tidak menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan.

Judul : Kolam tahan retak untuk budidaya lele
Penulis : Sumardi
Sumber : Sinar Tani, 12 Feb. 1994. Hal. V (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993 Hal. 103)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : mudidaya ikan lele dengan memanfaatkan air limbah dilakukan dengan mempersiapkan tempat atau wadah yang memenuhi persyaratan, yaitu tidak mudah retak meski digunakan berulangkali. Diuraikan teknik pemilihan lokasi dan pembuatan kolam tahan retak.

Judul : Membenihkan lele dumbo secara alami
Penulis : Syarifudin, Amir
Sumber : Suara Karya, 2 Sep. 1992. Hal. VII (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 42 )
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Pembenihan lele dumbo secara alami sama dengan pembenihan lele lokal. Uraian pembenihan ini meliputi persiapan kolam, persiapan induk, cara pemijahan serta perawatan benih.
Uraian ini dilengkapi dengan bagan kolam pembenihan.

Judul : Memijahkan lele dumbo sistem cangkringan
Penulis : Warsono
Sumber : Sinar Tani, 23 Mar. 1996. Hal. V (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 28)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) dipijahkan melalui 2 cara yaitu cara Hifofisasi dengan menggunakan donor ikan emas yang membutuhkan biaya besar, dan cara cangkringan atau imbas dengan menggunakan ikan emas sebagai perangsang pemijahan di dalam suatu kolam yang besar. Urutan pemijahan cangkringan secara teknis diuraikan pada artikel ini.

Judul : Pembenihan lele model seri dan gendong
Penulis : Budi Santoso, Hieronymus
Sumber : Suara Merdeka, 17 Apr. 1994. Hal. IV (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 40-41)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Diuraikan secara ringkas pembenihan lele model seri dan gendong yang sedang naik daun saat ini. Uraian dimulai dari pemilihan induk lele baik lele jantan maupun betina, bak pembenihan serta proses perkawinan hingga pendederan, yang diperjelas dengan bagan pemijahan.

Judul : Urine wanita hamil merangsang ovulasi ikan lele
Penulis : Kordi K, M.Ghufran H.
Sumber : Pedoman Rakyat, 8 Mei 1994. Hal. IV (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 39)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Diuraikan secara singkat penggunaan urine wanita hamil 1-2 bulan yang dapat merangsang ovulasi lele, yang dikenal dengan nama Human Chrlionic Gonadotropin (Hcg). Alasan penggunaan dan dosis pemberian urine dibahas pada artikel ini.

Judul : Keranjang pemijahan lele
Penulis : Djariah,Abbas Siregar
Sumber : Minggu Pagi,Minggu ke-4 Nop.1995 Hal.8 (dalam : Kumpulan kliping ikan lele, Jakarta,PIP Trubus,1993.Hal.35)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Artikel ini membahas pemijahan lele yang ada di Eropa (pemijahan ikan lele atau channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus dalam keranjang, sedang di Indonesia umumnya pemijahan dalam kolam atau bak.

Judul : Memijahkan lele dengan sistem baterai
Penulis : Prayitno, Gending
Sumber : Pedoman Rakyat, 6 Des. 1993. Hal. IV (dalam: Kumpulan kliping ikan lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 36)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Pemijahan lele sistem baterai cukup murah dalam perawatan maupun pengaturan air, serta tidak memakan tempat. Dalam artikel ini disajikan persiapan pemijahan dan langkah-langkah pemijahan lele.

Judul : Dumbo, lele unggul yang dicari-cari
Sumber : Trubus, (Okt.) 1986. Hal. 202 (dalam: Kumpulan kliping lele. Jakarta, PIP Trubus, 1993. Hal. 14-18)
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Artikel menguraikan hasil penelitian Balai Penelitian Perikanan Air Tawar Bogor terhadap sifat dan pertumbuhan lele dumbo. Dibandingkan dengan lele lokal, lele dumbo ternyata lebih unggul. Disebutkan lele dumbo lebih peka terhadap aeromonas, dan bibit lele dumbo yang beredar di pasar saat ini terdiri atas hibrida dan benih, yang akan menjadi pertimbangan petani dalam beternak lele dumbo.

Judul : Pendederan ikan lele dumbo
Penulis : -
Sumber : Liptan, No. 3 A/KAN/ER/PSMTP/BIP-SB/94-95
Penerbitan : Padang: BIP Sumatera Barat, Dep. Pertanian, 1994
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-114
Abstrak : Benih lele dumbo pada tingkat awal sangat peka terhadap perubahan kondisi lingkungan dan perlakuan, padahal benih merupakan salah satu sarana penentu dalam usaha meningkatkan produktivitas. Untuk itu ada 3 aspek yang perlu diketahui, yaitu pemeliharaan larva, pendederan pertama yang terdiri dari persiapan kolam, penebaran dan perawatan benih, lalu aspek terakhir adalah pendederan lanjutan.

Judul : Teknik pemijahan ikan lele dumbo
Penulis : -
Sumber : Liptan, No. 3 B/KAN/ER/PSMTP/BIP-SB/94-95
Penerbitan : Padang: BIP Sumatera Barat, Dep. Pertanian, 1994
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-115
Abstrak : Merupakan tulisan singkat sebagai petunjuk pemijahan ikan lele dumbo. Aspek yang dibahas adalah perbedaan lele dumbo jantan dan betina, perawatan induk lele, dan teknik pemijahan. Teknik pemijahan ada dua macam, pemijahan dengan rangsangan putih telur dan pemijahan secara hipofisasi.

Judul : Makanan buatan ikan lele dumbo
Penulis : -
Sumber : Liptan, No. 7/KAN/ER/DIPDA/BIP-SB/93-94
Penerbitan : Padang: BIP, Departemen Pertanian, 93
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-80
Abstrak : Pada rangkaian kegiatan budidaya ikan lele dumbo (C. Gariepinnus) baik saat perawatan induk, pendederan maupun pembesarannya memerlukan penanganan pakan yang berbeda baik jenis, ukuran maupun cara pemberiannya. Brosur ini menyajikan makanan buatan untuk ikan lele dumbo meliputi; pakan untuk pemeliharaan induk (pellet, fermentasi dedak-urea, limbah dapur, kombinasi pakan dan pemberian pakan yang teratur), pakan untuk ikan lele dumbo (benih pada pra-pendederan, pendederan I dan II), serta pakan untuk pembesaran. Dilengkapi dengan gambar ragam macam makanan untuk ikan lele dumbo.

Judul : Pembenihan ikan lele
Penulis : -
Sumber : Liptan, No. 10/IS dan SR/1993-1994
Penerbitan : Aceh: BIP, Departemen Pertanian, 1993
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : T1-78
Abstrak : Ikan lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang dapat dipelihara di kolam yang sempit, sawah bahkan di comberan rumah. Pertumbuhan ikan lele cukup cepat dengan daya tahan yang tinggi serta mudah sekali berkembang biak diberbagai lokasi pemeliharaan. Salah satu hambatan yang dirasakan petani di pedesaan adalah kurangnya persediaan benih yang bermutu dan dalam jumlah yang cukup. Petani masih mengandalkan kebutuhan benih ikan lele dari usaha penangkapan alam padahal pembenihan ikan lele dapat dilakukan sendiri. Petunjuk singkat ini menyajikan teknik pembenihan ikan lele untuk kalangan petani yang mencakup; pembuatan dan kontruksi kolam, persiapan kolam dan induk jantan maupun betina, pemijahan, penyapihan serta penanggulangan hama penyakit.
Dilengkapi dengan beberapa gambar dari setiap tahap pembenihan.

Judul : Menyiapkan kolam pembesaran [Lele dumbo]
Sumber : Memelihara lele dumbo di kolam taman, Sri Najiyati, Hal. 8-18
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya, 1998
Lokasi Artikel : TTG
Kode Panggil : Lel
Abstrak : Pembudidayaan lele dumbo dapat dilakukan dengan cara intensif dan tradisional. Bab ini menjelaskan langkah-langkahnya antara lain pemilihan lokasi, ukuran kolam, bentuk dan posisi kolam, tahap persiapan dan pembuatan kolam. Tulisan diakhiri dengan tips memperindah kolam. Disertakan gambar dan analisis biaya.

Dokumen lengkap, hubungi :

Telp. 021-7560537
E-mail: pdiiserpong@yahoo.com

Selasa, 20 April 2010


US Patent 4,265,828 / Knifton / May 5, 1981
Manufacture of ethylene glycol from synthesis gas


This invention concerns a process of making ethylene glycol which comprises the steps of contacting a mixture of CO and H.sub.2 with a catalyst system comprising a ruthenium-containing compound dispersed in a low melting quaternary phosphonium or ammonium base or salt, and heating said resultant reaction mixture under a pressure of 500 psi or greater at a temperature of at least 150.degree. C. for a sufficient time to provide said ethylene glycol.

US Patent 6,417,411
/ Kakimoto , et al. / July 9, 2002
Method for production of ethylene glycol


In a composite process for subjecting ethylene to catalytic gas phase oxidation thereby obtaining ethylene oxide and causing this ethylene oxide to react with water thereby obtaining ethylene glycol, a method for producing the ethylene glycol is provided which permits effective utilization of the energy at the step for dehydrating and concentrating the resultant aqueous ethylene glycol solution. In the production of ethylene glycol by the supply of the aqueous ethylene glycol solution to a concentrating treatment at the multi-effect evaporator, the method contemplated by this invention for the production of ethylene glycol comprises utilizing as the source of heating at least one specific step the steam generated in the multi-effect evaporator.

US Patent 6,380,419
/ Kawabe / April 30, 2002
Process for simultaneous production of ethylene glycol and carbonate ester


Ethylene glycol and a carbonate ester are simultaneously produced by reacting ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide to form ethylene carbonate, hydrolyzing of the solution containing the ethylene carbonate to obtain ethylene glycol, purifying ethylene glycol, transesterifying ethylene carbonate and a hydroxyl group-containing compound to form the corresponding carbonate ester and ethylene glycol, separating the carbonate ester and separating ethylene carbonate.

US Patent 4,661,609 / Knifton / April 28, 1987

Process for cosynthesis of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate

A process is disclosed for the cosynthesis of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate by reacting methanol and ethylene carbonate in the presence of a catalyst selected from the group consisting of zirconium, titanium and tin.

US Patent 4,734,518 / Knifton / March 29, 1988

Process for cosynthesis of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate

A process is disclosed for the cosynthesis of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate by reacting methanol and ethylene carbonate in the presence of a homogeneous catalyst from the group consisting of soluble miscible tertiary phosphines arsines, and stibines and soluble, miscible bivalent sulphur and selenium compounds.

US Patent 5,214,182
/ Knifton / May 25, 1993
Process for cogeneration of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate

A process is disclosed for the cogeneration of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate by reacting methanol and ethylene carbonate in the presence of a heterogeneous, phosphine-bound polymer catalyst. Dimethyl carbonate and ethylene glycol are generated in greater than 98% selectivity.

US Patent 6,080,897
/ Kawabe / June 27, 2000
Method for producing monoethylene glycol

Disclosed is a method for producing monoethylene glycol, which is a method for producing ethylene glycol that comprises a carbonation step in which ethylene oxide is allowed to react with carbon dioxide in the presence of a carbonation catalyst thereby effecting formation of a reaction solution containing ethylene carbonate, a hydrolysis step in which the reaction solution is converted into an ethylene glycol aqueous solution by hydrolyzing ethylene carbonate in the reaction solution and a distillation step in which purified ethylene glycol and a catalyst solution containing the carbonation catalyst are obtained from the ethylene glycol aqueous solution by distillation, wherein the improvement resides in that the reaction is carried out in the presence of a carbonation catalyst using a bubble column reactor by supplying ethylene oxide, carbon dioxide and water into the reactor.

US Patent 3,922,314
/ Cocuzza , et al. / November 25, 1975
Process for the preparation of ethylene glycol

A process for the production of ethylene glycol by hydrolysis of ethylene oxide with water which comprises enriching the aqueous solution originating from stripping the gases from the catalytic oxidation of ethylene with oxygen, with ethylene oxide and with carbon dioxide and hydrolyzing the ethylene oxide contained in this enriched solution.

US Patent 4,160,116 / Mieno , et al. / July 3, 1979

Process for the production of alkylene glycols

Process for the production of an alkylene glycol in which the hydration of an alkylene oxide is carried out in the presence of carbon dioxide using a quaternary phosphonium salt as a catalyst.

US Patent 4,283,580 / Odanaka , et al. / August 11, 1981

Process for the production of alkylene glycols

A process for the production of alkylene glycols, which comprises causing a corresponding alkylene carbonate to react with water in the presence of a catalyst of at least one member selected from the group consisting of molybdenum and tungsten.

US Patent 4,400,559 / Bhise / August 23, 1983

Process for preparing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by a process in which ethylene oxide is extracted from an aqueous solution with near-critical or super-critical carbon dioxide. Thereafter an ethylene oxide--carbon dioxide--water mixture is contacted with a catalyst to form ethylene carbonate, which is then hydrolyzed to ethylene glycol in the presence of the same catalyst. The ethylene glycol is separated as product and the carbon dioxide and the catalyst are recycled.

US Patent 4,117,250 / Foster , et al. / September 26, 1978

Continuous process for producing alkylene glycols from alkylene carbonates

A continuous process for hydrolyzing alkylene carbonates according to specific procedure whereby the akylene glycol obtained is essentially free of polymeric glycols and contains minimum amounts of dimeric glycols.

US Patent 4,237,324 / Raines , et al. / December 2, 1980

Production of monoglycols from alkylene carbonates

Alkylene glycols are produced from alkylene carbonates by hydrolysis in the presence of water at temperatures of from about 80.degree. to about 200.degree. C. Catalysts, such as alumina, are employed at temperatures from 80.degree. to about 150.degree. C. and only slightly greater than the stoichiometric amount of water is employed to allow the most efficient use of the process.

US Patent 4,556,748 / Tsang , et al. / December 3, 1985

Process for producing alkylene glycols

Prepare alkylene glycols by hydrolyzing alkylene carbonates under specific conditions, and a reactor specially designed therefor.

US Patent 5,763,691 / Kawabe , et al. / June 9, 1998

Ethylene glycol process

The present invention relates to a process for producing ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide wherein ethylene oxide in a gas resulting from oxidation of ethylene is absorbed in a specific absorbing solution, is allowed to react with carbon dioxide, converted into ethylene carbonate, and then subjected to hydrolysis to produce ethylene glycol. According to the present invention, a large energy consuming step such as stripping of ethylene oxide and separation of excess amounts of water during the ethylene glycol production becomes unnecessary and the process can be greatly simplified by combining the ethylene oxide absorption step and the carbonation step.

US Patent 4,508,927 / Bhise , et al. /
April 2, 1985
Preparation of glycols from ethylene oxide

A process for preparation of glycols in which the vapor remaining after the partial condensation of a conventional ethylene oxide stripper overhead vapor stream is contacted with an aqueous solution of ethylene carbonate to recover ethylene oxide. No water need be removed from the enriched ethylene carbonate stream. Carbon dioxide is added and ethylene carbonate is formed by reaction at about 50.degree. to 200.degree. C. and 5 to 150 kg/cm.sup.2 gauge in the presence of a suitable catalyst, preferably about 0.5-20 wt % of an organic phosphonium halide. After stripping off unreacted components, the ethylene carbonate is hydrolyzed to glycols in the presence of the same carbonation catalyst and at temperatures in the range of about 100.degree. to 200.degree. C. and pressures of about 5 to 150 kg/cm.sup.2 gauge. Optionally, ethylene oxide and ethylene carbonate may be co-produced.

US Patent 6,187,972 / Kawabe , et al. /
February 13, 2001
Process for producing an alkylene glycol

A process for producing an alkylene glycol, which is a continuous process for producing an alkylene glycol comprising the following steps (1) to (4), wherein the hydrolysis step (2) is divided into a plurality of stages, and the hydrolysis is carried out so that the water concentration in a reaction stage wherein the conversion of the alkylene carbonate is at least 60%, is from 15 to 30 wt %: (1) a carbonating step of reacting an alkylene oxide with carbon dioxide gas in the presence of a carbonating catalyst to form a reaction solution containing an alkylene carbonate, (2) a hydrolysis step of hydrolyzing the reaction solution obtained in step (1) while releasing carbon dioxide gas, to form an aqueous alkylene glycol solution, (3) a distillation step of distilling the aqueous alkylene glycol solution to obtain at least a dehydrated alkylene glycol and a solution containing the carbonating catalyst, and (4) a recycling step of supplying the solution containing the carbonating catalyst to the carbonating step (1).

US Patent 5,763,691 / Kawabe , et al. / June 9, 1998

Ethylene glycol

The present invention relates to a process for producing ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide wherein ethylene oxide in a gas resulting from oxidation of ethylene is absorbed in a specific absorbing solution, is allowed to react with carbon dioxide, converted into ethylene carbonate, and then subjected to hydrolysis to produce ethylene glycol. According to the present invention, a large energy consuming step such as stripping of ethylene oxide and separation of excess amounts of water during the ethylene glycol production becomes unnecessary and the process can be greatly simplified by combining the ethylene oxide absorption step and the carbonation step.

US Patent 4,691,041 / Duranleau , et al. /
September 1, 1987
Process for production of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate

A process is disclosed for the preparation of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate by reacting methanol and ethylene carbonate in the presence of a series of heterogenous catalyst systems including ion exchange resins with tertiary amine, quaternary ammonium, sulfonic acid and carboxylic acid functional groups, alkali and alkaline earth silicates impregnated into silica and ammonium exchanged zeolites.

US Patent 4,677,234 / Bartley / June 30, 1987

Process for the preparation of ethylene glycol

A process for the preparation of ethylene glycol by the vapor phase catalytic hydrogenation of at least one of di(lower alkyl) oxalate and lower alkyl glycolate in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst comprising a carrier, which catalyst is suitable for the hydrogenation of alkyl oxalate and alkyl glycolate to ethylene glycol, wherein the improvement lies in preparing the catalyst by contacting the carrier with a cooper ammonium carbonate complex medium and reducing the catalytically-active copper moiety to its active copper form.

US Patent 4,665,22 / Whyman / May 12, 1987

Production of ethylene glycol from synthesis gas

A process for the production of ethylene glycol, methanol, ethanol and/or esters thereof from mixtures of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (synthesis gas) which comprises contacting a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a catalyst at elevated pressure in a liquid medium, said catalyst comprising ruthenium and at least one other metal from Group VIII of the Periodic Table, and wherein the molar proportion of ruthenium is at least 50 percent relative to the other Group VIII metals. The process is particularly applicable to the selective production of ethylene glycol. The preferred catalysts, which comprise ruthenium/rhodium, may be present in elemental form, as coordination compounds or salts, e.g. carbonyls, acetyl acetonates or carboxylates. It is especially preferred to use a co-catalyst comprising a compound of one or more the metals of Groups IA, IIA or IIB or a nitrogen containing cation and/or base. Suitable liquid media include carboxylic acids (e.g. acetic acid) and ethers (e.g. tetraglyme).

US Patent 4,600,726 / Bertleff , et al. / July 15, 1986

Preparation of ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared from carbon monoxide and hydrogen under superatmospheric pressure and at an elevated temperature in the presence of a rhodium-containing catalyst together with a cobalt catalyst, the molar ratio of rhodium to cobalt being from about 20:1 to 60:1.

US Patent 4,585,890 / Miyazaki , et al. / April 29, 1986

Process for producing ethylene glycol and/or glycolic acid ester, catalyst composition used therefor, and process for production thereof

A hydrogenation catalyst composition useful for the hydrogenation of an oxalate diester, said composition being composed of a reduction product of copper-containing silica gel formed by contacting an ammine complex of copper with colloidal silica sol; and a process for producing the aforesaid composition. Using a catalyst composed of the aforesaid composition, ethylene glycol and/or a glycolic acid ester can be produced from an oxalate diester efficiently with high conversions and selectivities and without causing pollution attributed to the use of a chromium-containing catalyst composition.

US Patent 4,568,780 / Knifton / February 4, 1986

Process for low pressure synthesis of ethylene glycol from synthesis gas plus 1,3-dioxolane

This invention relates to the manufacture of ethylene glycol and more particularly to a low pressure process for making ethylene glycol comprising reacting synthesis gas, i.e. a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, plus 1,3-dioxolane in the presence of a homogenous liquid catalyst containing an effective amount of cobalt-containing compound and a silane or germane-containing promoter dispersed in a hydrocarbon solvent at a temperature of at least 50.degree. C. and a pressure of at least 500 psi, where the particular solvents used allow the desired product to be separated from the reaction mixture by phase separation.

US Patent 4,565,896 / Knifton , et al. / January 21, 1986

Process for low pressure synthesis of ethylene glycol from synthesis gas

This invention relates to the manufacture of ethylene glcyol and more particularly to a low pressure process for making ethylene glycol comprising reacting synthesis gas, i.e. a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, plus formaldehyde in the presence of a homogeneous liquid catalyst containing an effective amount of cobalt-containing compound and a silicon or germanium-containing promoter and a solvent at a temperature of at least 50.degree. C. and a pressure of at least 500 psi wherein said ethylene glycol product separates as a separate liquid phase from the solvent.

US Patent 4,558,072
/ Grigsby, Jr. , et al. / December 10, 1985
Process for preparing ethylene glycol and lower monohydric alcohols from syngas using a novel catalyst system

Ethylene glycol along with ethylene glycol derivatives and alcohols are prepared from syngas in improved yields by contacting a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a catalyst system comprising a ruthenium-containing compound and a manganese-containing compound, both dispersed in a low melting quaternary phosphonium compound dissolved in a solvent and heating the resulting reaction mixture at a temperature of at least 150.degree. C. and a pressure of at least 30 atm. for sufficient time to produce the desired ethylene glycol and monohydric alcohols, and then recovering the same from the reaction mixture. A rhodium-containing compound may optionally be used with the ruthenium-containing compound.

US Patent 4,315,994 / Knifton / February 16, 1982

Preparation of glycols and ethers

This invention concerns a process of making alkylene glycols and their ethers which comprises contacting a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a bimetallic catalyst system comprising ruthenium(III) acetylacetonate and rhodium(III) acetylacetonate dispersed in a low melting quaternary phosphonium or ammonium base or salt at a pressure of 500 psi or greater and at a temperature of at least 150.degree. C. for a sufficient time to provide said glycols and ethers.

US Patent 4,396,726 / Simons / August 2, 1983

Process for preparing ethylene glycol and lower monohydric alcohols from syn gas using a novel catalyst system

Ethylene glycol and lower monohydric alcohols are prepared from syn gas in improved yields by contacting a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a catalyst system comprising a ruthenium-containing compound and a special manganese-containing compound, both dispersed in a low melting quaternary phosphonium compound, and heating the resulting reaction mixture at a temperature of at least 150.degree. C. and a pressure of at least 500 psi for sufficient time to produce the desired ethylene glycol and monohydric alcohols, and then recovering the same from the reaction mixture.

US Patent 4,551,565 / Miyazaki , et al. / November 5, 1985

Process for the production of ethylene glycol and/or glycollic acid esters, and catalyst therefor

In a process for producing ethylene glycol and/or a glycollic acid ester by the vapor phase catalytic hydrogenation of an oxalic acid diester in the presence of a catalyst and hydrogen gas, the improvement wherein the catalyst has the following composition formula wherein k, p and q represent gram-atoms of Mo, Ba and O, respectively, per gram-atom of Cu, k is a number of from 0 to 3, p is a number of from 0 to 6, and q is a number determined depending upon the atomic valence and gram-atoms of Cu, Mo and Ba, provided that k and p are not zero at the same time; and the aforesaid catalyst.

US Patent 4,087,470 / Suzuki / May 2, 1978

Process for the production of ethylene glycol

A cyclic process for producing ethylene glycol comprising the steps of: (1) contacting formaldehyde with a synthesis gas comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of a catalytic amount of hydrogen fluoride under conditions effective to deplete carbon monoxide from the synthesis gas and produce glycolic acid and diglycolic acid; (2) contacting the acid product of step (1) with ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, or mixtures thereof under conditions effective to produce ethylene glycol glycolate and diglycolate, diethylene glycol glycolate and diglycolate, or mixtures thereof; (3) removing residual carbon monoxide from the carbon monoxide depleted synthesis gas of step (1) thereby producing a hydrogen rich gas; (4) contacting the glycolate and diglycolate product of step (2) with the hydrogen-rich gas mixture of step (3) under conditions effective to produce ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, or mixtures thereof; and (5) recycling from step (4) to step (2) an amount of the glycol product effective to esterify substantially all the acid product present in the reaction zone of step (2).

US Patent 4,112,245 / Zehner , et al. / September 5, 1978

Process for the preparation of ethylene glycol

A process for the preparation of ethylene glycol by the vapor phase hydrogenation of oxalate esters, such as a dibutyl oxalate, at elevated temperatures and at relatively low hydrogen pressures in the presence of a suitable hydrogenation catalyst, such as a copper chromite catalyst, while minimizing the hydrogenolysis of the glycol and other side reactions and maximizing the hydrogenation catalyst activity.

US Patent 4,533,774 / Griggs / August 6, 1985

Process for the production of ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is produced by reacting at elevated temperature methanol, a polymeric source of formaldehyde and an organic peroxide having the formula R--O--O--R.sup.1 wherein R and R.sup.1 are independently either alkyl or aralkyl groups containing from 3 to 12 carbon atoms. The polymeric source of formaldehyde is preferably paraformaldehyde.

US Patent 4,412,085 / Kollar / October 25, 1983

Process for producing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by reacting methanol, formaldehyde and from greater than 6 to about 25 weight percent of an organic peroxide in the presence of about 0.5 to about 35 weight percent of water based on the feed composition, the amount of water within said range being correlated with the peroxide content. The organic peroxide has the formula R--O--O--R.sup.1 wherein R and R.sup.1 are each an alkyl or aralkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms.

US Patent 4,337,371 / Kollar / June 29, 1982

Production of ethylene glycol by reaction of methanol, an organic peroxide and formaldehyde

Ethylene glycol is prepared by reacting methanol, formaldehyde and no more than 6 weight percent based on the feed composition of an organic peroxide in the presence of water. The organic peroxide has the formula R-O-O-R.sup.1 wherein R and R.sup.1 are each an alkyl or aralkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms.

US Patent 4,412,084 / Kollar / October 25, 1983

Process for producing ethylene glycol

In the preparation of ethylene glycol by reacting methanol, formaldehyde and an organic peroxide, improved yields of ethylene glycol are achieved by the reaction of portions of the total amounts of formaldehyde and peroxide to be reacted with methanol. Formaldehyde and peroxide are incrementally added to a liquid medium containing methanol in controlled amounts during the reaction to permit conversion of each portion of said formaldehyde and peroxide reactants prior to the next addition. The portions are added such that the concentration of glycol in the reaction medium to which a later portion is added is greater than that to which an earlier portion is added. The reaction is continued until all the formaldehyde and peroxide has been incrementally added to the reaction medium and subjected to reaction conditions for a suitable period of time.

US Patent 4,393,252
/ Kollar / July 12, 1983
Process for producing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by reacting methanol and an organic peroxide of the formula R--O--O--R.sub.1, wherein R and R.sub.1 are each an alkyl or aralkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms, in the presence of a minor amount of a basic material. Preferably, formaldehyde is present as a reactant in the presence of water. The presence of the basic material reduces the hydrogen ions which are formed and thus reduces the amount of methylal produced.

US Patent 4,356,332 / Knifton / October 26, 1982

Process for preparing ethylene glycol

This invention pertains to the production of ethylene glycol by reaction of formaldehyde with carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst comprising a cobalt-containing compound and a tin-or germanium-containing promoter and in the presence of substantially inert, oxygenated hydrocarbon solvent.

US Patent 4,518,715 / Knifton / May 21, 1985

Process for producing ethylene glycol using a ruthenium-copper catalyst

This invention concerns a process for preparing ethylene glycol and lower monohydric alcohols comprising contacting a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a catalyst comprising a ruthenium-containing compound and a copper- or silver-containing compound, both dispersed in a low-melting quaternary phosphonium salt and heating the resulting mixture at an elevated temperature and moderate pressure for sufficient time to produce the desired ethylene glycol.

US Patent 4,434,246 / Simons / February 28, 1984

Process for preparing ethylene glycol and lower monohydric alcohols from syngas using a novel catalyst system

Ethylene glycol and lower monohydric alcohols are prepared from syngas in good yield by contacting a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a catalyst system comprising a ruthenium-containing compound and a special substituted aromatic compound both dispersed in a low melting quaternary phosphonium salt and heating the resulting mixture at a temperature of at least 150.degree. C. and a pressure of at least 500 psi for sufficient time to produce the desired ethylene glycol and monohydric alcohols, and then removing the same from the reaction mixture.

US Patent 4,315,993 / Knifton
/ February 16, 1982
Preparation of ethylene glycol

A process for preparing ethylene glycol wherein a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is contacted at an elevated temperature and pressure and in the presence of a solvent with a ruthenium compound and a promoter, such as pyrocatechol. In another aspect this invention relates to the preparation of ethylene glycol ethers from carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

US Patent 4,434,247 / Dombek / February 28, 1984

Continuous process for the manufacture of ethylene glycol

This invention relates to the manufacture of valuable alcohols containing 1 to 2 carbon atoms, especially glycol and ethanol from the reaction of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, by a homogeneous catalytic process using as a catalyst a solubilized ruthenium carbonyl complex. The invention also encompasses the catalyst formed during the process. A particular desirable embodiment of the invention is the continuous operation thereof in a manner which minimizes inhibition of glycol formation and represses formation of adverse or undesirable glycol byproducts.

US Patent 4,412,085 / Kollar / October 25, 1983

Process for producing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by reacting methanol, formaldehyde and from greater than 6 to about 25 weight percent of an organic peroxide in the presence of about 0.5 to about 35 weight percent of water based on the feed composition, the amount of water within said range being correlated with the peroxide content. The organic peroxide has the formula R--O--O--R.sup.1 wherein R and R.sup.1 are each an alkyl or aralkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms.

US Patent 4,412,084 / Kollar / October 25, 1983

Process for producing ethylene glycol

In the preparation of ethylene glycol by reacting methanol, formaldehyde and an organic peroxide, improved yields of ethylene glycol are achieved by the reaction of portions of the total amounts of formaldehyde and peroxide to be reacted with methanol. Formaldehyde and peroxide are incrementally added to a liquid medium containing methanol in controlled amounts during the reaction to permit conversion of each portion of said formaldehyde and peroxide reactants prior to the next addition. The portions are added such that the concentration of glycol in the reaction medium to which a later portion is added is greater than that to which an earlier portion is added. The reaction is continued until all the formaldehyde and peroxide has been incrementally added to the reaction medium and subjected to reaction conditions for a suitable period of time.

US Patent 4,400,559
/ Bhise / August 23, 1983
Process for preparing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by a process in which ethylene oxide is extracted from an aqueous solution with near-critical or super-critical carbon dioxide. Thereafter an ethylene oxide--carbon dioxide--water mixture is contacted with a catalyst to form ethylene carbonate, which is then hydrolyzed to ethylene glycol in the presence of the same catalyst. The ethylene glycol is separated as product and the carbon dioxide and the catalyst are recycled.

US Patent 4,393,252 / Kollar / July 12, 1983

Process for producing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by reacting methanol and an organic peroxide of the formula R--O--O--R.sub.1, wherein R and R.sub.1 are each an alkyl or aralkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms, in the presence of a minor amount of a basic material. Preferably, formaldehyde is present as a reactant in the presence of water. The presence of the basic material reduces the hydrogen ions which are formed and thus reduces the amount of methylal produced.

US Patent 4,387,255 / Wood / June 7, 1983

Process for production of ethylene glycol

Process for production of ethylene glycol comprising contacting a nonflammable feed comprising ethylene, molecular oxygen and water with a catalyst comprising iodine under reaction conditions in a reaction zone in which there is maintained a partial pressure of ethylene that is effective to yield ethylene glycol without substantial acetaldehyde generation. In a preferred embodiment, ethylene glycol is removed from the reaction zone at a rate effective to minimize formation of condensed glycol by-products.

US Patent 4,345,104 / Cropley / August 17, 1982

Process for the production of ethylene glycol

A process for preparing ethylene glycol by the oxidative coupling of methanol in the vapor state.

US Patent 4,337,371 / Kollar / June 29, 1982

Production of ethylene glycol by reaction of methanol, an organic peroxide and formaldehyde

Ethylene glycol is prepared by reacting methanol, formaldehyde and no more than 6 weight percent based on the feed composition of an organic peroxide in the presence of water. The organic peroxide has the formula R-O-O-R.sup.1 wherein R and R.sup.1 are each an alkyl or aralkyl group having 3 to 12 carbon atoms.

US Patent 4,317,946 / Costa / March 2, 1982

Process for producing ethylene glycol via catalytic hydrogenation of glycolaldehyde

A process is provided for catalytic hydrogenation of glycolaldehyde to form ethylene glycol in liquid phase employing a homogeneous ruthenium carboxylate complex catalyst system. Ethylene glycol is produced in excellent yields and selectivities and the process permits use of mild temperature and pressure conditions. The formation of acetals is greatly minimized as compared to prior art ruthenium catalysts.

US Patent 4,265,828 / Knifton / May 5, 1981

Manufacture of ethylene glycol from synthesis gas

This invention concerns a process of making ethylene glycol which comprises the steps of contacting a mixture of CO and H.sub.2 with a catalyst system comprising a ruthenium-containing compound dispersed in a low melting quaternary phosphonium or ammonium base or salt, and heating said resultant reaction mixture under a pressure of 500 psi or greater at a temperature of at least 150.degree. C. for a sufficient time to provide said ethylene glycol.

US Patent 4,209,650 / Onsager , et al./
June 24, 1980
Process for producing ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol is prepared by the reaction of ethylene, molecular oxygen and water in the presence of an iodine catalyst and in the presence of a copper co-catalyst or promoter.

US Patent 4,061,868 / Fumagalli , et al. / December 6, 1977

Process for the manufacture of glycols and glycol nono-esters

There is provided an improvement in the process for the preparation of organic monoesters of vicinal glycols and the corresponding free glycols by reacting an olefin with oxygen, water and a carboxylic acid, in the liquid phase, at an initial pH of lower than 7, the improvement comprising contacting the reaction mixture with a catalyst system consisting essentially of (i) iodine or an iodine compound selected from the group consisting essentially of copper iodide, manganese iodide, cerium iodide, an alkali metal iodide, an alkali earth metal iodide and the iodohydride of the olefin, (ii) a copper compound selected from the group consisting essentially of copper oxide, copper hydroxide, copper carbonate, copper iodide, and a copper salt of the carboxylic acid, and (iii) an activating ion selected from the group consisting of manganese cation, cerium cation, an alkali metal cation, an alkaline earth metal cation, nitric anion or a mixture of any of the foregoing, wherein the molar ratio of the carboxylic acid to water is lower than 1, the molar ratio of copper to water is equal to or lower than 2 moles of copper per 100 moles of water, and the molar ratio of iodine to copper is lower than 1.

US Patent 4,087,470 / Suzuki / May 2, 1978

Process for the production of ethylene glycol

A cyclic process for producing ethylene glycol comprising the steps of: (1) contacting formaldehyde with a synthesis gas comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of a catalytic amount of hydrogen fluoride under conditions effective to deplete carbon monoxide from the synthesis gas and produce glycolic acid and diglycolic acid; (2) contacting the acid product of step (1) with ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, or mixtures thereof under conditions effective to produce ethylene glycol glycolate and diglycolate, diethylene glycol glycolate and diglycolate, or mixtures thereof; (3) removing residual carbon monoxide from the carbon monoxide depleted synthesis gas of step (1) thereby producing a hydrogen rich gas; (4) contacting the glycolate and diglycolate product of step (2) with the hydrogen-rich gas mixture of step (3) under conditions effective to produce ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, or mixtures thereof; and (5) recycling from step (4) to step (2) an amount of the glycol product effective to esterify substantially all the acid product present in the reaction zone of step (2).

US Patent 3,940,432 / Walker , et al. / February 24, 1976

Process for making ethylene glycol

This invention is concerned with improving the ethylene glycol production capabilities of the metal carbonyl catalyzed reaction between carbon monoxide and hydrogen by conducting the reaction such that the ethylene glycol concentration in the reaction mixture is less than 5 gram moles per liter, preferably between about 0.4 to 5 gram moles per liter of reaction mixture and the molar formation ratio between ethylene glycol and methanol in the reaction mixture exceeds about 0.3. In a preferred embodiment, a continuous process is operated in such a manner that the concentration of ethylene glycol in the product mixture removed from the reactor is greater than the average concentration of ethylene glycol in the reactor.

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