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Antibacterial activity of Jatropha multifida roots
Fitoterapia, Volume 72, Issue 5, June 2001, Pages 544-546
O. O. Aiyelaagbe
Hexane, ethyl acetate, chloroform and methanol successive extracts of Jatropha multifida yellow rootbark, red rootbark and rootwood effectively inhibited the growth of B. subtilis and S. aureus at concentration of 200 μg/disk.
Author Keywords: Jatropha multifida; Antibacterial activity
Multidione, a novel diterpenoid from Jatropha multifida
Tetrahedron Letters, Volume 50, Issue 34, 26 August 2009, Pages 4885-4887
Biswanath Das, Keetha Laxminarayana, Martha Krishnaiah, Yallamalla Srinivas, Tuniki Venugopal Raju
A novel diterpenoid, multidione, has been isolated from the stems of Jatropha multifida and its structure has been settled from 1D and 2D NMR spectra. The compound possesses a phenolic moiety and a long side chain, structurally similar to the B ring of other lathyrane-diterpenoids in seco-form.The compound has possibly been derived biogenetically from a related lathyrane-diterpenoid.
Keywords: Jatropha multifida; Diterpenoid; Multidione; Structure elucidation; Biogenesis
Diterpenoids from Jatropha multifida Original Research Article
Phytochemistry, Volume 69, Issue 14, October 2008, Pages 2639-2641
Biswanath Das, Bommena Ravikanth, Kongara Ravinder Reddy, Ponnaboina Thirupathi, Tuniki Venugopal Raju, Balasubramanian Sridhar
Chemical investigation on the stems of Jatropha multifida yielded two diterpenoids, multifolone and (4E)-jatrogrossidentadione acetate along with five known diterpenoids, a flavone and a coumarino-lignan. The structures of the compounds were settled by detailed analysis of their 1D and 2D NMR spectra. The X-ray crystallographic analysis of (4E)-jatrogrossidentadione acetate was also accomplished.
Keywords: Jatropha multifida; Euphorbiaceae; Diterpenoid; Multifolone; (4E)-Jatrogrossidentadione acetate
Multifidone: A novel cytotoxic lathyrane-type diterpene having an unusual six-membered A ring from Jatropha multifida
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Volume 19, Issue 1, 1 January 2009, Pages 77-79
Biswanath Das, Kongara Ravinder Reddy, Bommena Ravikanth, Tuniki Venugopal Raju, Balasubramanian Sridhar, Patan Usman Khan, Janapala Venkateswara Rao
Chemical examination of the stems of Jatropha multifida afforded a novel lathyrane-type diterpene, multifidone, having an unusual six-membered A ring. The structure of the compound was determined from detailed analysis of its 1D and 2D NMR spectra and X-ray crystallographic analysis. Its cytotoxicity was measured on four different cancerous cell lines.
Rare jatropha multifida intoxication in two children Original Research Article
Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 2, August 2000, Pages 173-175
Yotam Levin, Yaniv Sherer, Haim Bibi, Menachem Schlesinger, Emile Hay
Two children were admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) after ingesting a large amount of fruit of a plant identified as Jatropha multifida. They were mildly obtunded, had intractable vomiting, and seemed dehydrated. Intravenous fluid replacement and urine alkalinization were initiated. After stabilization, their 5-day hospital stays were uneventful except for a subclinical rise of liver enzymes. Jatropha species contain the toxalbumin ricin, which causes severe vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration, shock, and renal and hepatic impairment. Ricin also has cardiotoxic and hemolytic effects and several deaths have been documented. Children are attracted by the shape and the color of the Jatropha fruits. Mortality can be prevented by immediate fluid and electrolyte replacement.
Author Keywords: Jatropha multifida; ricin intoxication; plant poisoning; Jatropha ingestion
Multifidin—A cyanoglucoside in the latex of Jatropha multifida
Phytochemistry, Volume 40, Issue 2, September 1995, Pages 597-598
Albert J. J. van den Berg, Stephan F. A. J. Horsten, J. Jantina Kettenes-van den Bosch, Burt H. Kroes, Rudi P. Labadie
A novel non-cyanogenic cyanoglucoside, 1-cyano-3-β- -glucopyranosyloxy-(Z)-1-methyl-1-propene, was isolated from the latex of Jatropha multifida. The compound was named multifidin.
Subject-index terms: Jatropha multifida; Euphorbiaceae; cyanoglucoside; multifidin; 1-cyano-3-β- -glucopyranosyloxy-(Z)-1-methyl-1-propene
Inhibitory activity of Jatropha multifida latex on classical complement pathway activity in human serum mediated by a calcium-binding proanthocyanidin Original Research Article
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 27, Issues 1-2, November 1989, Pages 81-89
S. Kosasi, L.A. 't Hart, H. van Dijk, R.P. Labadie
This study isolates and characterizes the anti-complement constituent(s) present in the latex of Jatropka multifida, in an attempt to explain the traditional application of the latex in the treatment of infected wounds. Guided by the inhibition of classical pathway (CP) complement activity in human serum, a polymer was isolated which could be characterized as a proanthocyanidin. The polymer inhibits CP activation of the complement cascade, while alternative pathway (AP) activation is relatively insensitive to the polymer. This is due to the selective depletion of Ca2+, but not Mg2+, from the incubation medium.
Labaditin, a novel cyclic decapeptide from the latex of Jatropha multifida L. (Euphorbiaceae): Isolation and sequence determination by means of two-dimensional NMR
FEBS Letters, Volume 256, Issues 1-2, 9 October 1989, Pages 91-96
S. Kosasi, W.G. van der Sluis, R. Boelens, L.A.'t Hart, R.P. Labadie
An immunologically active novel cyclic decapeptide, consisting of 1 Ala, 2 Gly, 1 Ile, 2 Thr, 2 Trp and 2 Val, has been isolated from the latex of Jatropha multifida L. (Euphorbiaceae). The structure was elucidated by means of amino acid analysis and FAB-mass spectroscopy. The amino acid sequence was obtained by two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy (COSY and NOESY).
Latex; Decapeptide, cyclic; Labaditin; NMR, 1H-; Peptide isolation; (Jatropha multifida, Euphorbiaceae)
Abbreviations: NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; 2D, two-dimensional; COSY, 2D shift correlated spectroscopy; NOE, nuclear Overhauser effect; NOESY, 2D NOE spectroscopy; FAB-ms, fast atom bombardment-mass spectroscopy; TLC, thin-layer chromatography
Multifidol and multifidol glucoside from the latex of Jatropha multifida Original Research Article
Phytochemistry, Volume 28, Issue 9, 1989, Pages 2439-2441
Samlipto Kosasi, Willem G. Van Der Sluis, Rudi Labadie
Two naturally occurring and immunologically active acylphloroglucinols (named multifidol and multifidol glucoside have been isolated from the latex of Jatropha multifida and identified as (2-methylbutyryl)phloroglucinol and 1-[(2-methylbutyryl)phloroglucinyll-β-d-glucopyranoside.
Keywords: Jatropha multifida; Euphorbiaceae; latex; acylphloroglucinols; isolation and structural elucidation; multifidol; multifidol glucoside.
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