Kambiz Vafai
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh CRC Press tahun 2011. Cakupan 602 halaman.
Daftar isi:
- A General Set of Bioheat Transfer Equations Based on the Volume Averaging Theory, 1
- Mathematical Models of Mass Transfer in Tissue for Molecular Medicine with Reversible Electroporation, 45
- Hydrodynamics in Porous Media with Applications to Tissue Engineering, 75
- Biomedical Implications of the Porosity of Microbial Biofilms, 121
- Influence of Biofilms on Porous Media Hydrodynamics, 173
- Using Porous Media Theory to Determine the Coil Volume Needed to Arrest Flow in Brain Aneurysms, 231
- Lagrangian Particle Methods for Biological Systems, 251
- Passive Mass Transport Processes in Cellular Membranes and their Biophysical Implications, 295
- Skin Electroporation: Modeling Perspectives, 331
- Application of Porous Media Theories in Marine Biological Modeling, 365
- The Transport of Insulin-Like Growth Factor through Cartilage, 399
- Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications of Magnetically Stabilized and Fluidized Beds, 455
- In Situ Characterizations of Porous Media for Applications in Biofuel Cells: Issues and Challenges, 489
- Spatial Pattern Formation of Motile Microorganisms: From Gravitactic Bioconvection to Protozoan Culture Dynamics, 535
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Telp. 021-7560537
E-mail: pdiiserpong@yahoo.com