Maria Stepanova; Steven Dew (Editors)
Buku ini
diterbitkan oleh Springer tahun 2012.
Cakupan 344 halaman.
Daftar isi:
Part I Introduction
- Directions in Nanofabrication, 3
Part II Nanolithography
- Fundamentals of Electron Beam Exposure and Development, 11
- Simulation of Electron Beam Exposure and Resist Processing for Nano-Patterning, 43
- Helium Ion Lithography, 93
- Nanoimprint Technologies, 117
Part III Deposition at the Nanoscale
- Atomic Layer Deposition for Nanotechnology,143
- Surface Functionalization in the Nanoscale Domain, 163
- Nanostructures Based on Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers, 191
- Epitaxial Growth of Metals on Semiconductors Via Electrodeposition, 217
Part IV Nanoscale Etching and Patterning
- Chemical Mechanical Polish for Nanotechnology, 239
- Deposition, Milling, and Etching with a Focused Helium Ion Beam, 275
- Laser Nanopatterning, 301
- Templating and Pattern Transfer Using Anodized Nanoporous Alumina/Titania, 321
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