Kamis, 18 April 2013

Crystallography and Crystal Defects

Anthony Kelly; Kevin M. Knowles.
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh John Wiley & Sons, Ltd tahun 2012. Cakupan 522 halaman.
Daftar isi:

Part I.  Perfect Crystals, 1
       1. Lattice Geometry, 3
       2. Point Groups and Space Groups, 43
       3. Crystal Structures, 85
       4. Amorphous Materials and Special Types of Crystal–Solid Aggregates, 123
       5. Tensors, 141
       6. Strain, Stress, Piezoelectricity and Elasticity, 165

Part II.  Imperfect Crystals, 197
       7. Glide and Texture, 199
       8. Dislocations, 241
       9. Dislocations in Crystals, 269
       10. Point Defects, 305
       11. Twinning, 335
       12. Martensitic Transformations, 363
       13. Crystal Interfaces, 391

Appendix 1. Crystallographic Calculations, 435
Appendix 2. The Stereographic Projection, 451
Appendix 3. Interplanar Spacings and Interplanar Angles, 469
Appendix 4. Transformation of Indices Following a Cha- nge of Unit Cell, 473
Appendix 5. Slip Systems in C.C.P. and B.C.C. Crystals, 481
Appendix 6. Homogeneous Strain, 487
Appendix 7. Crystal Structure Data, 491
Appendix 8. Further Resources, 499
Brief Solutions to Selected Problems, 501
Index, 509

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