Selasa, 16 April 2013

Vegetable Oils in Food Technology: Composition, Properties and Uses

Frank D. Gunstone

Buku ini diterbitkan oleh Blackwell Publishing tahun 2011. Cakupan 367 halaman.  
Daftar isi:

1.    Production and Trade of Vegetable Oils
·      Extraction, refining and processing, 1
·      Vegetable oils: Production, consumption and trade, 3
·      Some topical issues, 14

2.    Palm Oil
·      Introduction, 25
·      Composition and properties of palm oil and fractions, 25
·      Physical characteristics of palm oil products, 33
·      Minor components of palm oil products, 35
·      Food applications of palm oil products, 42
·      Nutritional aspects of palm oil, 52
·      Sustainable palm oil, 53
·      Conclusions, 53

3.    Soybean Oil
·      Introduction, 59
·      Composition of soybean and soybean oil, 59
·      Recovery and refining of soybean oil, 65
·      Oil composition modification by processing and biotechnology, 79
·      Physical properties of soybean oil, 87
·      Oxidation evaluation of soybean oil, 92
·      Nutritional properties of soybean oil, 93
·      Food uses of soybean oil, 95

4.    Canola/Rapeseed Oil
·      Introduction, 107
·      Composition, 108
·      Physical and chemical properties, 121
·      Major food uses, 123
·      Conclusion and outlook, 133

5.    Sunflower Oil
·      Introduction, 137
·      Sunflower oil from different types of seed, 138
·      Physical and chemical properties, 148
·      Melting properties and thermal behavior, 150
·      Extraction and processing of sunflower oil, 150
·      Modified properties of sunflower oil, 153
·      Oxidative stability of commercial sunflower oils, 155
·      Food uses of different sunflower oil types, 160
·      Frying use of commercial sunflower oil types, 161

6.    The Lauric (Coconut and Palm Kernel) Oils
·      Introduction, 169
·      Coconut oil, 169
·      Palm kernel oil, 178
·      Processing, 185
·      Food uses, 190
·      Health aspects, 194

7.    Cottonseed Oil
·      Introduction, 199
·      History, 200
·      Seed composition, 203
·      Oil composition, 204
·      Chemical and physical properties of cottonseed oil, 213
·      Processing, 216
·      Cottonseed oil uses, 219
·      Co-product uses, 220

8.    Groundnut (Peanut) Oil
·      Peanut production, history, and oil extraction, 225
·      Oil uses, 226
·      Composition of groundnut oil, 227
·      Chemical and physical characteristics of groundnut oil, 234
·      Health issues, 237

9.    Olive Oil
·      Introduction, 243
·      Extraction of olive oil from olives, 243
·      Olive oil composition, 245
·      Effect of processing olives on the composition of virgin olive oils, 258
·      Refining and modification, 259
·      Hardening and interesterification, 261
·      Quality, genuineness and regulations, 261
·      Consumption and culinary applications, 266

10.   Corn Oil
·      Composition of corn oil, 273
·      Properties of corn oil, 282
·      Major food uses of corn oil, 285
·      Conclusions, 286

11. Minor and Speciality Oils
·      Introduction, 291
·      Sesame seed oil, 291
·      Rice bran oil, 299
·      Flaxseed (linseed and linola) oil, 306
·      Safflower oil, 309
·      Argan kernel oil, 313
·      Avocado oil, 315
·      Camelina seed oil, 315
·      Grape seed oil, 317
·      Pumpkin seed oil, 319
·      Sea buckthorn oil, 320
·      Cocoa butter and CBE, 321
·      Oils containing γ-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA), 324
·      Tree nut oils, 327

Index,  347

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