Minggu, 28 April 2013

Handbook of Networks in Power Systems I

Alexey Sorokin; et al (editors)
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh Springer tahun 2012. Cakupan 583 halaman.
Daftar isi:

Part I.  Electricity Network
  1. Models of Strategic Bidding in Electricity Markets Under Network Constraints, 3 
  2. Optimization-Based Bidding in Day-Ahead Electricity Auction Markets: A Review of Models for Power Producers, 41 
  3. Finding Joint Bidding Strategies for Day-Ahead Electricity and Related Markets, 61 
  4. Short-Term Electricity Market Prices: A Review of Characteristics and Forecasting Methods, 89 
  5. Forecasting Prices in Electricity Markets: Needs, Tools and Limitations, 123 
  6. ECOTOOL: A general MATLAB Forecasting Toolbox with Applications to Electricity Markets, 151 
  7. Electricity Markets Simulation: MASCEM Contributions to the Challenging Reality, 173 
  8. Differentiated Reliability Pricing Model for Customers of Distribution Grids, 213 
  9. Compromise Scheduling of Bilateral Contracts in Electricity Market Environment, 241 
  10. Equilibrium Predictions in Wholesale Electricity Markets, 263 
  11. The Economic Impact of Demand-Response Programs on Power Systems. A Survey of the State of the Art, 281 
  12. Investment Timing, Capacity Sizing, and Technology Choice of Power Plants, 303 
  13. Real Options Approach as a Decision-Making Tool for Project Investments: The Case of Wind Power Generation, 323 
  14. Electric Interconnections in the Andes Community: Threats and Opportunities, 345 
  15. Planning Long-Term Network Expansion in Electric Energy Systems in Multi-area Settings, 367 
  16. Algorithms and Models for Transmission Expansion Planning, 395 
  17. An Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Allocation of High-Voltage Transformer Spares in the Electric Grid, 435 
  18. Decentralized Intelligence in Energy Efficient Power Systems, 467 
  19. Realizing an Interoperable and Secure Smart Grid on a National Scale, 487 
  20. Power System Reliability Considerations in Energy Planning, 505 
  21. Flexible Transmission in the Smart Grid: Optimal Transmission Switching, 523 
  22. Power System Ancillary Services, 555
Index, 581

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