Jos´e Ant´onio TenreiroMachado,
Dumitru Baleanu, Albert C.J. Lu
ini diterbitkan oleh Springer tahun
2011. Cakupan 343 halaman.
Daftar isi:
- A Method to Design Efficient Low-Energy, Low-Thrust Transfers to the Moon, 15
- Low-Energy Earth-to-Halo Transfers in the Earth–Moon Scenario with Sun-Perturbation, 39
- On the Relation Between the Bicircular Model and the Coupled Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem Approximation, 53
- Adaptive Remeshing Applied to Reconfiguration of Spacecraft Formations, 69
- A Cartographic Study of the Phase Space of the Elliptic Restricted Three Body Problem: Application to the Sun–Jupiter–Asteroid System, 83
- Parameter Identification of the Langmuir Model for Adsorption and Desorption Kinetic Data, 97
- Effects of Suspended Sediment on the Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layer, 107
- A Renormalization-Group Study of the Potts Model with Competing Ternary and Binary Interactions, 117
- The Mechanical Properties of CaX6(X =B andC), 127
- The System Design of an Autonomous Mobile Waste Sorter Robot, 135
- Evidence of the Wave Phase Coherence for FreakWave Events, 147
- Quantum Mechanical Treatment of the Lamb Shift Without Taken into Account the Electric Charge, 159
- Determining the Climate Zones of Turkey by Center-Based Clustering Methods, 171
- The Determination of Rainy Clouds Motion Using Optical Flow, 179
- HydrodynamicModeling of Port Foster, Deception Island (Antarctica), 193
2. Nonlinear
and Complex Dynamics: Applications in Biological Systems Localized Activity
States for Neuronal Field Equations of Feature Selectivity in a Stimulus Space with
Toroidal Topology, 207
- Intrinsic Fractal Dynamics in the Respiratory System by Means of Pressure–Volume Loops, 217
3. Nonlinear
and Complex Dynamics: Applications in Financial Systems Forecasting Project
Costs by Using Fuzzy Logic, 231
- Why You Should Consider Nature-Inspired Optimization Methods in FinancialMathematics, 241
- Desirable Role in a Revenue-Maximizing Tariff Model with Uncertainty, 257
- Can Term Structure of Interest Rate Predict Inflation and Real Economic Activity: Nonlinear Evidence from Turkey?, 269
- Licensing in an International Competition with Differentiated Goods, 295
- Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Stock Market Indexes, 307
Index, 323
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