Thomas Bauer
Buku ini
diterbitkan oleh Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg tahun 2011. Cakupan 223 halaman.
Daftar isi:
1. Introduction, 1
- Importance of Thermophotovoltaics, 1
- Comparison of Solar PV and TPV Conversion, 3
- TPV Literature, 5
- Historical Development, 6
- Energy Balance and Efficiency of a General Type System, 7
I Single Components
2. Radiators (Emitters), 17
- Introduction, 17
- Thermal Stability of the Radiator, 18
- Broadband Ceramic Radiators, 19
- Selective Radiators Based on Transition Metal Oxides, 22
- Metal Radiators, 26
- Other Novel Radiator Materials and Concepts, 29
3. Filters, 35
- Introduction, 35
- Bulk Dielectrics in the Cavity (Heat Shields), 37
- Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) Filters, 42
- Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) Filters, 43
- All-Dielectric Filters, 45
- Metal-Dielectric Filters, 45
- Combined Dielectric-TCO Filters, 46
- Other Filter Concepts, 46
4. Photovoltaic Cells, 53
- Introduction, 53
- PV Cell Theory, 53
- Fabrication Technologies and Epitaxial Growth, 62
- PV Cell Design with Spectral Control, 64
- Group of IV Semiconductors, 65
- Group of III-V Semiconductors, 66
- Other Materials and Aspects, 69
II Systems
5. Heat Transfer Theory and System Modell-ing,
- Introduction, 85
- Conduction, 86
- Convection, 87
- Radiation, 88
- Combined Heat Transfer Mode, 96
6. Cavity Design and Optical
Control, 101
- Introduction, 101
- Ultimate Efficiency and Power Density (Upper Limits), 102
- TPV Cavity Arrangements, 110
- Thermal Insulation Design, 114
- Novel and TPV-Related Concepts, 117
7. Competing Technologies, 129
- Introduction, 129
- Heat Engine Generators, 130
- Electro-Chemical Cells, 132
- Direct Heat-to-Electricity Conversion Devices, 135
- Solar Photovoltaic Systems, 140
- Summary, Discussion and Comparison with TPV, 140
8. Applications of TPV Generators, 147
- Introduction, 147
- Nuclear Generator, 153
- Solar Generator, 155
- Combustion Generator, 161
- Waste Heat Recovery Generator, 179
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