T. Satyanarayana; Bhavdish Narain Johri; Anil Prakash
ini diterbitkan oleh Springer tahun
2012. Cakupan 842 halaman.
Daftar isi:
- Halophiles – Taxonomy, Diversity, Physiology and Applications, 1
- Diversity of Enteropathogens in River Narmada and Their Environmental and Health Implications, 35
- Insights into the Genetic Relationships Between Environmental and Clinical Strains of Yersinia enterocolitica Biovar 1A, 61
- Role of Microorganisms in Remediation of Contaminated Soil, 81
- Role of Microbiologically Rich Compost in Reducing Biotic and Abiotic Stresses, 113
- Microbial Chitinases for Chitin Waste Management, 135
- Diversity of Microbial Carbonic Anhydrases, Their Physiological Role and Applications, 151
- Screening and Evaluation of Protease Inhibitory Peptides in Microcystis spp. – Dominant Water Blooms, 175
- The Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway: A Reliable Sink for Atmospheric CO2 Through Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization in Ferralitic Tropical Soils, 191
- Bacterial Degradation of Aromatic Xenobiotic Compounds: An Overview on Metabolic Pathways and Molecular Approaches, 201
- Molecular Analyses of Microbial Activities Involved in Bioremediation, 221
- Microbial Degradation of Pyridine and Its Derivatives, 249
- Bioremediation, Bioconversion and Detoxification of Organic Compounds in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent for Environmental Waste Management, 263
- Bacteriophage Based Technology for Disinfection of Different Water Systems, 289
- Microbial Mining of Value Added Products from Seafood Waste and Their Applications, 315
- Management of Heavy Metal Pollution by Using Yeast Biomass, 335
- Management of Hospital Wastes with Potential Pathogenic Microbes, 365
- Oleaginous Fungi: A Solution to Oil Crisis, 403
- Haloalkaliphilic Bacteria and Actino-bacteria from the Saline Habitats: New Opportunities for Biocatalysis and Bioremediation, 415
- Environmental Impact from the Use of Bt Toxin, 431
- Biodegradation of Mono-aromatic Com-pounds by Bacteria, 451
- Bioremediation of Arsenic from Contami-nated Water, 477
- Metagenomic Approaches in Microbial Bioremediation of Metals and Radio-nuclides, 525
- Microbial Concrete, a Wonder Metabolic Product That Remediates the Defects in Building Structures, 547
- Microbial Degradation of Cyanides and Nitriles, 569
- Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydro-carbons in Soils, 589
- Hairy Roots: A Promising Tool for Phytoremediation, 607
- Biosurfactant-Assisted Bioaugmentation in Bioremediation, 631
- Bioremediation of metals mediated by marine bacteria, 665
- Microbial Denitrification and Its Ecological Implications in the Marine System, 683
- Genomics Technologies in Environmental Bioremediation, 701
- Coal Mine Drainage Pollution and Its Remediation, 719
- Poultry Waste Management Using Microorganisms, 745
- Cyanoremediation: A Green Clean Technology, 767
- Microbial Decolorization of Colored Industrial Effluents, 787
Index, 815
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