Kamis, 25 April 2013

Microwave Transmission Networks: Planning, Design, and Deployment 2nd ed.

Harvey Lehpamer
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh The McGraw-Hill Companies tahun 2010. Cakupan 497 halaman.
Daftar isi:

  1. Transmission Network Fundamentals, 1 
  2. Basics of Microwave Communication, 33 
  3. Microwave Link Design, 89 
  4. Planning the Microwave Network, 159 
  5. Microwave Network Design, 185 
  6. Microwave Network Deployment, 217 
  7. Project Management, 357

Appendix A: American Cable Stranding, 417
Appendix B: Quick RF Reference Sheet, 419
Appendix C: Useful Physical Quantities and Units of Measurement, 423
Glossary, 427  
Index , 467


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