Masashi Horiguchi; Kiyoo Itoh
Buku ini
diterbitkan oleh Springer tahun 2011.
Cakupan 226 halaman.
Daftar isi:
1. An Introduction to Repair Techniques, 1
- Introduction, 1
- Hard and Soft Errors and Repair Techniques, 1
- Margin Errors and Repair Techniques, 9
- Speed-Relevant Errors and Repair Techniques, 15
2. Redundancy, 19
- Introduction, 19
- Models of Fault Distribution, 20
- Yield Improvement Through Redundancy, 25
- Replacement Schemes, 29
- Intrasubarray Replacement, 36
- Intersubarray Replacement, 52
- Subarray Replacement, 54
- Devices for Storing Addresses, 56
- Testing for Redundancy, 61
3. Error Checking and Correction (ECC), 69
- Introduction, 69
- Linear Algebra and Linear Codes, 70
- Galois Field, 75
- Error-Correcting Codes, 77
- Coding and Decoding Circuits, 92
- Theoretical Reduction in Soft-Error and Hard-Error Rates, 105
- Application of ECC, 111
- Testing for ECC, 135
4. Combination of Redundancy and Error
Correction, 139
- Introduction, 139
- Repair of Bit Faults Using Synergistic Effect, 139
- Application of Synergistic Effect, 149
5. Reduction Techniques for Margin Errors of
Nano-scale Memories, 157
- Introduction, 157
- Definition of Vmin, 159
- Reduction of Vmin for Wider Margins, 160
- Advanced MOSFETs for Wider Margins, 165
- Logic Circuits for Wider Margins, 173
- SRAMs for Wider Margins, 182
- DRAMs for Wider Margins, 188
- Subsystems for Wider Margins, 194
6. Reduction Techniques for Speed-Relevant
Errors of Nanoscale Memories, 203
- Introduction, 203
- Reduction Techniques for Speed-Degradation Errors, 204
- Reduction Techniques for Interdie Speed-Variation Errors, 205
Index , 213
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